Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay on Nikola Tesla American Genious - 1179 Words
They called him ‘The Master of Lightning†. He changed the very way people look at electricity. His inventions and theories are still in use to this very day. This man had many inventions and some of them never made it off the blueprints, but the ones that did achieved wondrous feats such as replacing Edison’s DC current, creating power from water, and illuminating rooms with cordless light bulbs. He was a genius with a few odd habits and name was Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia July 10th, 1856. Nikola’s father was Milutin Tesla who was a Serbian Orthodox Priest. His mother was Djouka Mandic who was an inventor who made household appliances. He had one brother, whose name was Dane, and three sisters:†¦show more content†¦Tesla was particularly fond of mathematics and would often perform calculations in his head faster than the teacher could write them on the board. At first he was suspected of cheating. In 1873 Nikola Tesla graduated the gymnasium at the age of 17. At the time that Tesla graduated there was a cholera epidemic throughout the country. Even though his parents urged him not to return he did and caught the disease. His father promised Tesla that if he survived, he would be allowed to attend the Austrian Polytechnic School at Graz to study engineering. After recovering he began studying mechanical and electrical engineering at the renowned Polytechnic School (Cheney). When Tesla wa s living in Prague his father passed away which forced him to think seriously about earning a living. With help from one of his uncles Tesla found a job as a draftsman with the Central Telephone Exchange of the Hungarian government. Later in 1884 Tesla arrived in New York as an immigrant with a letter of introduction and not much else. During the summer of 1884 Tesla dropped in to see Thomas Edison and handed him the letter from Charles Batchelor which when Edison opened it stated â€Å"I know two great men and your are one of them, the other is this young man.†Nikola Tesla was then hired and quickly rose up from solving minor complications to fixing some of the companies most complex issues. As time went on Tesla noticed
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Different Ideas of Beauty Free Essays
Exploring the different ideas of Beauty. Within a span of four months, we have explored the idea of beauty and the various definitions of it. We have learned that beauty can be interpreted in various way and found in anything. We will write a custom essay sample on Different Ideas of Beauty or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like the saying goes â€Å"beauty is the eye of the beholder,†the notion of what is beautiful can be very subjective depending on the ones personal preferences at the same time we can have a collective evaluation and agree on something that every one considers to have some sense of artistic feel to it. In Edmund Burke’s book the philosophical enquiry, he share his ideas on â€Å"what is beautiful,†when explaining the traits of the sublime. In his philosophical work on the sublime and the beautiful, he tries to explain the distinctive qualities of the two categories, thus giving a new idea of beauty to explore apart from the conventional kind. He explores the sense of beauty one finds in the vastness of things. Beauty in the fear of the unknown and greatness. Burke’s philosophy shakes the conventional aesthetic attitudes of the people. For example, normally when we think of beauty, we associate it with things that provide us pleasure, however, burke forces us to get in touch with our other senses. He claims that the â€Å"Awe†moments created by things with great magnitudes and power, enforcing fear and excitement, the sense of an overwhelming feeling of astonishment can also be considered to be beautiful. Additionally, studying the shock of the new, I personally have learned to appreciate and for a aesthetic attitude towards the visual art. Art is a means of communication for the artist to their audience. I learned that the notion of beauty can id different within this field as well, that not all art works are pleasing in to the eye. Apart from the collaboration of the colors, brush strokes, and frames, it is also the messages and the context the painting was created in that draws the people to it, regardless of if the painting is something anything that has a grotesque attribute. This leads to the poems of Mary Oliver, we read. Here she talks about beauty in nature, even in death, which is very peculiar. From this course, and the reading materials, I have learned that finding beauty in things, associating the term with anything is a difficult task. How to cite Different Ideas of Beauty, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Harriet Tubman and Dorothea Dix free essay sample
Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation. He is attempting to say not all of us can have the impact on society of a Michael Jordan or Mother Theresa, but each of us, through our actions, can make a huge difference in our small world. When combined all of our actions have the power to change the course of man. Indeed, two individuals who have done just this were Harriet Tuba and Throated Dixie.They both had done any great things in their lives and affected the society in a good way. Although these two historical figures were alike in the courage and determination they displayed, they supported different causes. TO begin with, Tuba and Dixie both showed great courage to overcome their obstacles to succeed. We will write a custom essay sample on Harriet Tubman and Dorothea Dix or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tubas courage allowed her to have the endurance to help people runaway from slavery. For example, Tuba made frequent trips to the South to lead groups of slaves to safety in Canada along the underground route, financing these ventures with work as a servant, cook, and laborer.Then she returned to Maryland and took out her siblings ND other slaves. In all, Tuba made nineteen trips to Maryland from 1 850 to 1 860, bringing out nearly 300 slaves. Tuba would have been captured if she was found doing underground work, but her endurance allowed her to keep going until she could free most of the slaves. In like manner, Dixie also had the endurance Tuba has. Dies courage gave her the strength to help others. After Dixie walked through the prison and revealed that the prisoner included insane women living in unheated, dirty room, she returned to the jail the next day, bring food and other supplies for them.Seeing such horrible rounding area, Dixie wanted to help them, so she decided to undertake an eighteen-month survey of every jail, almshouse, workhouse, and house of correction in the Common wealth of Massachusetts, and then returned to Boston to prepare a memorial describing her findings to the state legislature. Dixie could have ignored the horrible situation of all the jail and workhouses, but she was willing to take the time to help the prisoners and workers. Thus, Both Tuba and Dixie demonstrated their courage to help other people. Tuba and Dixie also showed great determination in the efforts of helping there. Tubas determination allowed her to continue her rescue throughout her life. Tuba supported a number of children and elderly former slaves during her whole life, partly with money derived from the publication of her two biographies. In addition, she also donated twenty-five acres of land for a shelter for homeless, sick, and indigent blacks. She was consumed with a want to serve others. In a similar manner, Dixie was equally determined. She continued her crusade in the Midwest and South. In each state, Dixie followed the same pattern. Her work received much public ¶/, and there reformers sought her assistance.Dies moral fiber allowed her to continue her assistance to help others. Both these woman demonstrated determination throughout their lives. Although Tuba and Dixie were alike in the courage and determination they displayed, they supported different causes in society. The issue Tuba wished to accomplish the most was to help the slaves to move away from their owner. When Tuba was in the South, she had organized on intelligence and scouting service for the Unions Department of the South, employed former slaves from the nearby area. This helped the slaves to find laces to work, which that was what she really wanted to do. It did not matter to her whether the slave was a friend or enemy, she just wanted to help them to receive equal freedom as she does. However, Dixie supported a different cause. Dixie supported other reform movements, including womens rights, peace, temperance, public education, and abolition. Dixie was closely identified with reform in mental-health care. Through her efforts, thirty-two states established new facilities to care for the mentally ill and to help improved the existing ones, because that was when all the states started to notice the mental ill people.Without, the existence of Dixie, mentally ill people probably still be treated with no attention at all. In the end, Tuba and Dixie both supported different causes in society, but they brought about radical change. Ultimately, both Tuba and Dixie had done many great things in their lives, which made a great impact in on society. Even though it was only a small portion of events they each have done, but each of their small portion when combine can make a huge difference in our world. Tuba and Dixie may have differed in their support of society, but they displayed the same courage and determination.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Stone Angel By Margaret Laurence Essays - Abraham, Lech-Lecha
The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence The Stone Angel by Margaret Laurence is a heart-warming story of a ninety year old woman who is nearing death and who has very little to look back on with pride. Her life had been ruled by her concern of outward appearances and manners. Although she often felt love and happiness, she refused to show it fearing it may be viewed by others as a weakness. Hagar inherited this strong pride from her father, Jason Currie, along with other poor qualities. Throughout her life, Hagar is desperately trying to escape. First, she tries to escape from her family, mostly her father, but in so doing she also cuts herself off from her brother, Matt. She also ends up leaving her husband, Brampton. Secondly, Hagar tries to escape from her own poor qualities to which she is captive; attempting to fill the emptiness within her. Finally and futilely, she tries to escape death. All of these attempts fail dismally. Throughout the narration of the novel many images are put forth repetitiously to aid the development of Hagar's character and the main themes. The Stone Angel is a very effective story due largely to the biblical, water, and flower imagery. The biblical imagery is very strong and can be found numerous times throughout the novel. The name of the main character, Hagar, is also the name of a hand maid in a biblical story. Many parallels are made between Margaret Laurence's Hagar and the biblical Hagar. The Hagar in the bible was to conceive a son with the husband of her owner, Sarah, who, herself, was unable to conceive. Hagar did bear a son but Sarah became very jealous of Hagar and had her thrown out into the wilderness. Hagar's son was born and they both returned to the place where Sarah and her husband, Abraham (Laurence's husband to Hagar was named Brampton to echo Abraham), lived. Hagar and her son were cast into the wilderness once again when Sarah bore a son of her own and Hagar's son, Ishmael, mocked Sarah's child. Nearing death, Hagar and her son were saved by God who provided them with a well of water. The Hagar in The Stone Angel is very similar to the Hagar in the bible. Laurence's Hagar became a housekeeper to Bram after she married him, which is ironic for a woman with her qualities. Hagar realizes this and sees herself as a bondwoman (this is also how the biblical Hagar is described); therefore, she feels trapped like a prisoner. Hagar says, "I was alone, never anything else, and never free, for I carried my chains within me," (pg. 261) thus showing Hagar as a captive of her position, emotions, and her pride. The two Hagars are also very similar in that they both go into the wilderness. Hagar Shipley goes out into the wilderness when she leaves her father to marry Bram and live on his farm. The difference between the two Hagars if that Hagar Shipley is not confronted by a divine manifestation like the Egyptian Hagar. Hagar's vision and realization comes when she and her favored son, John, leave home. Hagar slowly begins to see John's true character. Hagar Shipley wished her son was like Jacob, a faithful son in the Old Testament; however, she soon realized that he was not like Jacob. When Hagar returned to Manawaka, the statue of the stone angel had been pushed over and she requested that her son, John, fix it. Hagar says, "I wish he could have looked like Jacob then, wrestling with the angel and besting it, wringing a blessing from it with his might. But no." (pg. 159). Hagar's second journey into the wilderness was when she fled to Shadow Point. Here, Hagar realized that her other son, Marvin, was her Jacob and that she had favored the wrong son. The Hagar in the Old Testament bore a wild son, Ishmael, but she also created a faithful son, Jacob (descendent of Isaac). The parallels between The Stone Angel and the biblical Hagar are so strong that the effectiveness of Margaret Laurence's work rises dramatically. The water imagery presented many times in the novel helped to develop the theme of death. As everyone knows, water is viewed as the center of life since, without it, life would cease to exist. An example of this is when the drought occurred in Manawaka. Hagar returned during the drought to find all of the Shipley's flowers and vegetables dead. "They'd had no water this year,"
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom America Military essay
buy custom America Military essay America had stayed out of World War II until the Japanese killed thousands of Americans in an attack at Pearl Harbor. It was after the attack that America joined the World War II to battle it out with the Japanese and the Germans. The Japanese controlled the war until the Americans dropped two bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on 6th and 9th August 1945, respectively forcing the Japanese to surrender. There were a series of land, sea, and air attacks from the Japanese and the Americans before 1944, but this paper will focus on the American military attacks between January 1944 and August 11, 1945, which led the Japanese to surrender. Furthermore, it will discuss the land, sea, and air attacks between May 1944 and April 1945 that led to the defeat of the Nazi Germany. US military operations against the Japanese between January 1944 and August 11, 1945 February 29, 1944, marked the beginning of another series of attacks on the Japanese with a 1000 military officers attached to the Fifth Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, attacked the Japanese on Los Negros (Wood, 2007). The Japanese put up a tough fight, and by March 3, 1944, most American soldiers were dead or wounded leaving Sergeant Troy A. McGill and another soldier in his squad to battle it out with the Japanese until they were both killed. The brave act won the sergeant Medal of Honor award. The next move was to attack Hollandia, and MacArthur was the man in command (Garraty, Carnes, American Council of Learned Societies, 1999). He led Adachi to believe that he planned to attack the Madang-Hansa area. On April 22 the 24th and 41st Divisions, under the command of Lieutenant General Robert Eichelberger landed and attacked Hollandia. At the same time the 163d Regimental Combat Team attacked Aitape from the sea. The US saw great opportunities in coral airstrips, which were commonly used for heavy bombings (Rottman, 2007). On May 27, MacArthur and Kenney organized the 41st Division to attack the BiakIsland. The first wave was successful, but unfortunately, series of subsequent attacks missed their targets following strong currents. The US Army intensified attacks on the island, and by mid July 1944, it had captured the airfields on the island under the command of MacArthur and Krueger. The war continued all through 1944, and in January 1945, the American soldiers moved to the shores of the Lingayen Gulf before entering Manila. Once here, they fought with the Japanese until February 24, 1945. MacArthur led the liberation of Philippines, which was announced on July 5, 1945. A series of attacks and captures followed under the guidance of Major General Roy S. Geiger, who was later killed and succeeded by General Joseph Stilwell on 22 June 1945. The US captures Ryukyus giving air forces and Allied naval strategic bases, leading to intensive air attacks and naval bombardment that led to the surrender of the Japanese in August 1945. US Military Operations against Nazi Germany between May 1944 and April 1945 The US saw England as a strategic base to set up camp in order to conquer over the Nazi Germany, so the Allied set up a base in the UK in April 1942. The Allied military conducted its first attack on Germany on June 6, 1944 dubbed as the D-Day (Sylvan, Smith, Hodges, Greenwood, 2008). The US and the British troops attacked the Normandy coast in France through intense air and naval attacks. The Germans countered the D-Day attack effectively, prompting the Allied troops, led by the Americanns, to form Operation COBRA, which attacked the Germans on July 25 at the Falaise (Henry, 2002). The Americans progressed into Paris on August 25 under the leadership of General Eisenhower, then to Lyon and Besancon. The troops later captured Belgium and Luxembourg. Operation Market Garden was planned to seize the Netherlands, but once again the Germans resisted with more force (The Military Order of the World Wars, 1995). On December 16, the Germans struck the US First Army in the Ardennes, and on December 18, Eisenhower commanded Patton's Third Army to attack Germanys southern border. This move paved way for American defenders to seize some German strongholds, which destabilized the Germans. Patton and his troops continued to attack the Germans, and by the end of January, the Nazis had lost ground. In February 1945, the Allied military marched into Germany, where the US First Army seized Cologne on March 5 and the Remagen Bridge on March 7. Through airborne attacks, the US went ahead to capture the Rhine, the Rees-Wesel-Dinslaken area, and Worms. At this point, the Germans began surrendering, and Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945. The Germans continued relinquishing their territories in May 1945, and on May 7, the German High Command relinquished all its forces unconditionally leading to the V-E Day on May 8, 1945. In conclusion, the US joined the World War II to fight the Japanese and the Germans. Despite being a sleeping giant at the time, America faced serious challenges in outdoing its enemies and at some point resulting to collaborate with the Allied military to gain victory. The US troops employed a series of land, air, and sea attacks to win over both Japan and Germany simultaneously. The US won over Germany in May 1945 and over Japan in August 1945 albeit several of its troops were either killed or injured. Buy custom America Military essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Allegations of children rights and human rights violations by British American Tobacco
Allegations of children rights and human rights violations by British American Tobacco British American Tobacco has set their goals to be the leading company in the industry, knowing that, they have to be able to select and apply the best business strategies. But being one of the leading tobacco firms in the UK, British American Tobacco is known to purchase tobacco from Indonesia, where they can not guarantee that the tobacco is not made from child labor. Although that every tobacco firms in the world have the responsibility to monitor and investigate on how their tobacco is harvested in their farms, they still can not control on the actual process applied in the farming. According to independent.co.uk, Human Rights Watch have conducted research in 2014 and 2015 ini tobacco farming in Indonesia where they interviewed more than 100 children under 18 who work there. These children are risking their health and wellness working harvesting tobacco by hand, said the Human Rights Watch. Many of these children have in fact suffered from nausea and vomitting due to being around tobacco so much. Children are known to work through long hours in these farms, without even wearing any protective garments while handling these tobacco. These surely sound terrible, especially when it is the company’s responsibilities to make sure that no child under the age of 18 work in direct with tobacco. British American Tobacco is one of the multinational companies that have committed to the International Labour Organisations (ILO) right conventions. These companies in the conventions have agreed that the minimum age for children to work is 15 years old, whereas the minimum age for the hazardous work is 18 years old. Yet they still can not guarantee, because they claim to cannot be â€Å"everywhere at once†. British American Tobacco mentioned that their subsidiary, Bentoel, takes the child labour issue very seriously. â€Å"We do not employ children in any of our operations worldwide and make it clear to all of our contracted farmers and suppliers that exploitative child labour will not be tolerated. In Indonesia, however, children often participate in agriculture to help their families, and to learn farming methods and skills from their elders†BAT said. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) also knows that working while the children are in school can be a norma l part of growing up in poor communities, because of the rural environment they are in. British American Tobacco is said to be working with the Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco growing foundation (ECLT) to tackle extreme child labour in these areas in Indonesia. Not only in Indonesia, British American Tobacco has also vowed back in 2016 to investigate some of its farms located in Bangladesh after Swedwatch, a Swedish campaign group uncovered the truth that the farms use could workers to grow and process tobacco, carrying loads, cutting the stems, and cure the tobacco. These children are reportedly being pulled out of school to work in the farm for as long as 16 hours a day. These working activities surely grows out the risk of health for these children, because they are very much exposed to tobacco plants, the dust, and the smoke. Group Head of Corporate Affairs at British American Tobacco, Simon Cleverly has told that the company has in fact investigated the report’s findings but found no evidence of children rights and human rights violations. He also claime d the British American Tobacco were consistent with the findings of these studies held by themselves to look into tobacco growing and farming process and found that the company has a positive impact on the socio-economic area in Bangladesh. Up until now, British American Tobacco is still very much sure that they have not done anything wrong in the process of harvesting their tobacco in these countries, and that they believe that they have mutual benefits with the countries they have been working with for years.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Central line infection in hospitals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Central line infection in hospitals - Essay Example A further sense of dissatisfaction exists in the presences of barriers. There exist many barriers. However, since nursing is a broad field, some of the barriers are out of control and the nurse cannot do anything about them. However, in this context, the nurse is the key object and thus ha control over this. (Berger & Luckmann, 1966). The most evident barrier in effective communication is in occupational culture. An experienced nurse develops a strong passion in a ward practice. This is because there is constant communication sharing of experiences with patients. However, the occupational or ward culture is a barrier in the sense that most nurses allow one individual to generate ideas so that they can follow. This denies them the chance to exploit their potential by interacting directly with patients. The journal is a peer-reviewed with the capability to address current clinical matters. The authors give their best reasons as to why each person has a role to play in establishing a healthy environment. In this discussion, my clinical problem is ineffective communication skills. Already, the occupational structure is the pervasive barrier. However, they give emphasis on everybody’s responsibility in ensuring effective communication. Their use of the Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming makes it a reliable reference. In their article, Chant ET. Al. (2002) addresses the communication skill problem using effective examples. Having based their findings on a research about the nursing education; England, they give the best arguments. While disclosing the problem using literature knowledge, they as well give barriers that make communication a real barrier. In addition, they provide strategies on how to handle this clinical problem. This publication is a manual that helps in developing a hypothesis for a clinical question. Its descriptive
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Policy and Practice in the Education of Bilingual Children Essay
Policy and Practice in the Education of Bilingual Children - Essay Example The possibility is that the other language is learned after learning the first one. Many of the bilingual people grow up in an environment where two languages are being spoken simultaneously. In countries like America, bilinguals are usually found to be the children of immigrants. This is because these children speak their parent's native language during childhood and at home, whereas they speak English in school and with their friends. Therefore, the primary socialization is in the native language, and the secondary is in English. This makes the children bilingual. However, it is not only the immigrants who tend to be bilinguals, but there are many people such that they speak English at school and some other language at the workplace. Moreover, the influence of some significant person also helps a child to develop skills of two or more languages. We can find a number of multilingual and bilinguals in many countries. Moreover, in others, we see that almost every person is bilingual. Talking about India, in some of the parts of India, a child is usually aware of more than one language (Birner 1994, pg.2-3). Cognition technically refers to thinking. Moreover, the entire process of cognition is related to the processing of human-like information and the application of knowledge and change of preferences. This process of cognition is either natural, artificial, conscious or unconscious. This is the reason why they are analyzed from different perspectives and in different contexts. Cognition can be applied to anesthesia, neurology, and various other subjects such as psychology, philosophy, systematic and computer science. Some concepts such as the mind, reasoning, perception, intelligence, and learning are abstract concepts with which cognition is closely related. Cognition can be otherwise regarded as an abstract property of advanced living organisms. Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Consider Thomas Hardys Essay Example for Free
Consider Thomas Hardys Essay In the dictionary the word Isolation means to be separate or a part from others. I think if someone is isolated then it would be a negative aspect because they are alone and have nothing to do with anyone else. The reason for the various isolations in the two texts differs because of the different time periods they were set in. In the two books I am comparing is the Withered Arm by Thomas Hardy and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. I feel that in both texts there are a few characters with their lives or they had illegitimate children. The text Of mice and Men was written in the 1930s the time period of the depression. In the most of John Steinbecks books he describes the life of people working on the land and that his characters are all often poor. This was because he wanted to show how real the life was during that time. Within his books men and women rarely understood each other because of the lack of communication. During the time when John Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men people would frown upon coloured people, the handicapped, the old and women. They also were prejudice about women. The text the Withered Arm was written in the late 19th century in England. The book is set in a place called Wessex and the expectations at the time are different compared to the ones we have in todays society. In that time social classes were expected to marry inside their class and not below that. Otherwise this would be considered a disgrace to the family of the higher class. Thomas Hardy introduces Rhode as his First character who is isolated. He establishes her isolation as her sitting on her away from the others Where a thin fading women of thirty milked somewhat apart from the rest. The word fading and somewhat apart from the rest reveals that she was separated from the rest of the milkmaids. Further on in the first chapter Hardy also establishes her loneliness by where she lives lay part from that of the others, to a lonely spot high above the water-meads this also show her isolation. The characters who are lonely are Candy, Crooks and Curleys wife in the text Of Mice and Men. They are lonely because each one of them is different from everyone else. Such as Crooks is black, Candy is disabled and Curleys wife is a women. The reason for them being lonely is because of the societys attitude, which they lived in. The two characters that are not lonely are George and Lennie. This is as they have each other for company whereas everybody does not. Lennie and George treat each other, as they were family because they have been together for a very long time. Because I got you an___ An I got you. We got each other, thats what, that gives a hot in hell about us. That quote indicates what Lennie say to George about them having each other to look after and keeping each other company. George needed Lennie because he wanted someone who would listen to him and not say anything. Lennie need Georges because he is not able to handle himself and also George promised Lennies aunt that he would look after him. Thomas Hardy describes Rhodes Brooks house as it old and worn It was built of mud walls, the surface of which had been washed by many rains left none of the original flat face visible here and there in the thatch above a rafter showed like a bone protruding through the skin. This suggests that Rhode did not a great house and that it was old just like her. The quote also indicates that the house had been through some hard times. In the text Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck writes about one female character that is known as Curleys wife. As the reader I feel sympathy for her, as she is the only woman on the ranch. She is also isolated because her husband does not like her talking to any of the other workers, and also her own husband hardly speaks to her. The author has not given her a name because during that time period women were not as important as men, furthermore she is so isolated that the author decided on not given her a name. The effect this has on the reader is that she belongs to Curley unlike her being an individual person. So therefore the reader feels a little bit of sympathy for her. Thomas Hardy writes about a little boy in his book Withered Arm who is also nameless like Curleys Wife. In the book he is referred as Rhodes son. Rhodes son is isolated because his mother had an affair with Farmer Lodge. The main reason that he is isolated is that his mother moved further away from the farm, so therefore he does not live close by to anybody. I feel that Rhodes son is a victim of the circumstances between Farmer Lodge and Rhode because he was a product of their affair, and then Rhode moved away so she could be away from society. As a result Rhodes son does not have friends. John Steinbeck writes about another isolated man named Crooks. The reason Crooks is so isolated is because during the time period everyone was prejudice against coloured people, and he was black. Another reason he is isolated as that he isolates himself to have some respect in the white world. Crooks was born with a disability, therefore he feels that he need to isolate himself further. He makes friends with Candy and Lennie as they isolated on the farm. When Crooks first meets Candy and Lennie it says he kept is his distance and demanded that other people keep theirs. This indicates that Crooks does not want anyone to be close to him. Though as the story goes on he makes friends with Candy and Lennie. I feel sorry for Crooks for being coloured and handicapped as he is very friendly person. In both the texts that I read there are two more handicapped people, named Gertrude from the Withered Arm and Candy from Of Mice and Men. Candy is isolated as he is old and has only got one arm since it was cut off when he was working on the farm. Gertrude isolated because one night Rhode cast a spell on her arm. In both texts Gertrude and Candy are alike because of their arms. They are not as isolated as Crooks or Rhode, since they only have a small isolation problem, unlike the rest. In the beginning of the text Withered Arm Farmer Lodge is presented as being bold and proud. He is proud as he has a new wife Gertrude, who is a lot younger than him and plus she is very beautiful. Gertrude starts to get a problem in one of her arms, as time passes her arm gets worse, therefore Farmer Lodge feels as she is not as pretty as before. This makes Farmer Lodge change. He also feels depressed since his son is hung and this changes him. The reason for him to isolate himself is that all these problems are occurring around him and he feels that it is his fault. So he moves away from his farm. In conclusion I consider that isolation is a negative aspect in someones life. I think that when people are isolated dreaming keeps them from getting trough. Like for instance Lennie and Georges dream to open up a farm or their own and Rhodes dream to get back with Farmer Lodge. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Internet Pornography, the ACLU, and Congress Essay -- Cyberporn Essay
Internet Porn, the ACLU, and Congress     Ashcroft vs. ACLU, 00-1293, deals with a challenge to the Child Online Protection Act (COPA), which Congress passed in 1998. The law, which is the subject of this essay, attempts to protect minors from exposure to Internet pornography by requiring that commercial adult websites containing "indecent" material that is "harmful to minors" use age-verification mechanisms such as credit cards or adult identification numbers.(Child) An earlier version of the law -- the 1996 Communications Decency Act -- was struck down as an unconstitutional restriction of free speech when challenged by the ACLU; the 1998 version attempted to address the constitutional concerns by limiting its scope to commercial websites, and carving out an exception for material that has "serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value for minors." (Communications) COPA makes adult website operators liable for criminal sanctions -- up to $50,000 in fines and six months in jail -- if children are able to access material deemed "indecent," by "contemporary community standards," for those under 16. This raises the sticky issue of what "community" should set the standard for the global world of the Internet. No one has been prosecuted under COPA; the ACLU brought suit as soon as the law was passed, and a federal judge in Pennsylvania agreed to block enforcement. The Third Circuit upheld the injunction, ruling that COPA's reliance on community standards improperly allows the most conservative communities to dictate what should be considered indecent. The ACLU represents a number of plaintiffs who publish materials online, including an art gallery, Salon.com magazine, a bookstore, and the producer of a... ...rmful to minors on the Web, Beeson responded: "There isn't any way to make it a crime to display material harmful to minors on the Web." A decision from the Supreme Court is expected sometime in the spring of 2002. This case does not directly address the issue of how the community standards requirement applies to determining whether online material is obscene (speech that does not receive First Amendment protection) rather than merely indecent (harmful for minors but protected for adults). The court's ruling will nonetheless be significant in terms of the future of the "community standards" test for obscenity online. WORKS CITED: Child Online Protection Act. http://www.epic.org/free_speech/censorship/copa.html Communications Decency Act. http://www.epic.org/CDA/cda.html "Legal Challenge to COPA" http://www.epic.org/free_speech/copa/complaint.html
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Potential Role of Large Tour Operators for the Implementation
Table of contents Table of figures 2 List of abbreviations 2 Introduction and purpose statement 3 The potential role of large tour operators for the implementation of sustainable supply chain management in the tourism industry Conclusion 5 Bibliography 7 1 Table of figures Fig. 1: Exemplary tourism supply chain 5 List of abbreviations NGO Non-governmental organization SC supply chain SSCM sustainable supply chain management TOI Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development 2 Introduction and purpose statementWith an exponentially growing population, the travel industry is expected to grow significantly in the near future. At the same time, different stakeholder groups pose a lot of pressure on this industry. Tourist are gaining awareness of the negative impacts of mass tourism on the environment as well as socio-economically speaking. As a result the demand for „green tourismâ€Å"-solutions is increasing. Furthermore, the financial market, governments as well as NGOs increasingly exert leverage on the industry to practice more sustainable tourism by means of legislation.Moreover, an intact environment is the invaluable asset for the tourism industry, preserving it means serving the self-preservation of the tourism industry. 1 Indisputably, tourism has to transform in to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable business. The implementation of environmental management systems as well as the alignment of the whole supply chain are important tools to support this transformation. In this paper I chose the tour operator stage of the supply chain as the focal point, because it acts as a link between the supply and demand side of tourism.Hereafter, I present how the structural properties of large tour operators provide them with special responsibility to promote the implementation of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) systems in the tourism industry. The potential role of large tour operators for the implementation of sustainable supply chain management in the tourism industry Tourism, no different from other industries, is organized in supply chain (SC) structures since its products/services are composed of multiple elements as e. g. ransportation, entertainment, travel agencies and accommodation. 2 Aiming for sustainability therefore me ans to strive for a long-term improvement of the economic, social and environmental performance, not only of an isolated company or product but its whole SC. This concept is also known to literature as the â€Å"triple bottom line†-approach. 3 Suring and Muller define SSCM as â€Å"the management of material, information and capital flows as well as cooperation among companies along the supply chain while taking goals from all three dimensions of sustainable development, i. e. economic, environmental and social, into account which are derived from customer and stakeholder requirementsâ€Å". 4 Large tour operators resemble a key role in this constellation because they have the means to 1 2 Clarke (1997) Sigala (2008) 3 Kleindorfer, Singhal & Van Wassenhove (2005) 4 Seuring & Muller (2002), p. 1700 3 reverse logistics measurement mechanisms B management, transparency and stakeholder dialogue Worldwide environmental reporting of hotels, airlines, destinations, shareholdings a nd at every step of the value chain with a continuous improvement process ritically reviews thethe practicesidentifying the SCM tools and or importance of and induceis also highlighted in sustainable SCM influence literature for of the individual suppliers distributors information the implementation ? literature; Seuring and Muller [20] reported that insuf? cient or critical success factors for implementing the former. of al. [24] identi? ed three SC tools to regulate the missing SC communication a tourism flows, Cigolini etSSCM-practices as well asnamely information dissemination and volumeisof major barrier to sustainable SCM implementation. ools, coordination and control tools, and organisation tools. which indirectly influences the economic development of the travel control tools areIt is part of Coordination and destinations. utilized to monitor and inInformation tools (e. g. online connections, automated identi? cation ? uence the decision-making process, by measuring performa nces systems such as barcodes and shared databases) are utilized to their transmit to act as â€Å"gatekeepers†while linkingand setting rewards basedcustomers. Knowing the suppliers to the on the achievement of certain results. A gather, analyze, functionand share data, regarding customer data, SC performance metric system, including a set end-to-end inventory status and locations, order status, costs that it becomes obvious that tour operators may also significantly performancethe design bothof parameters that influence metrics of of the whole SC (as fully describe the the related data and performance status.Data sharing ensures that perceived by end are often bound actor of participating members will be products areuse of shared in- because supplierscustomers, and of each to this the chain), is components their able to make composed of a necessity for ensuring trustworthiness and accountability [25]. formation to help design and deliver products that ful? l customer Hence, instead of functional-cost-oriented metrics requirements more quickly and 6effectively.Visibility of position in the SC tour operators act also as nodes for that are often distribution channel. Due to their central perforachieved at the expense of another member, integrated metrics are mance metrics enables members to address production and quality communication between the different entities of required. However, research in SCM performance measurement has issues more quickly permitting more agile demand planning. The the SC, with communication being a critical factor for the successful implementation of SSCM-practices. Tourism Demand Providers of tourism infrastructure Hotels, resorts, golf courts, restaurants, museums and other tourism related suppliers such as water and power supply, road infrastructure airports etc Tour operators Travel Agents Other tourism intermediaries such as internet websites, destination organizations etc Leisure travelers Conference travelers etc Direct ion of money, documents, and information flows Fig. 1. Tourism supply chain. Fig. 1 Exemplary tourism supply chain (Sigala, 2008, p. 1591) Tour operators can draw profits from promoting SSCM-practices along their SC.Since any effort made to make the own product or service more environmental friendly is perceived well among customers (at least as long that does not drive up the price), the tour operators can turn this image-improvement into a unique selling point. For instance TUI uses a self-designed environment ranking to evaluate their products. 8 This resembles a logic response to the growing public awareness of environmental impact of mass tourism and acts as an incentive for the tour operators to evaluate the environmental performance of their suppliers (e. . trough ISO 14001, EMAS or similar certification concepts). 9 Even though the majority of the large tour operators do have some kind of sustainability policies in place, the real impact on their business is so far insuffici ent. Tour operators often try to justify this trough a lack of demand and state that the majority of customers shops for packages of the lowest price. But the nature of tourism-products has it, that the tourists themselves are co-producing the product, while it is being consumed, which makes them part 5 6Tepelus (2005), Budeanu (2009) Van Wijk & Persoon (2006) 7 Sigala (2008) 8 Clarke (1997) 9 Budeanu (2009) 4 of the supply chain. 10 In other words, implementing an SSCM in the tourism-industry also encompasses the education of the consumer. Tour operators are predestinated for this task, since their position in the SC allows them to exercise influence over the consumers choices. Still, this is asking a lot from operators, since the tour operating-business is a very competitive industry accompanied with relatively low profit margins of about 2% and customer-loyalty being not exactly widespread.This might well be part of the reason why a lot of tour operators pursue â€Å"green washi ng†without seriously engaging in long-term SSCM-changes. 11 Another one of the main issues clearly is the variety of certification schemes and the low participation of suppliers. It is doubtful that an individual label will reach a critical mass in national tourism, even though the establishment of an internationally recognized unified label could be a powerful tool: it could help to reduce consumer confusion and act as an indicator for quality for those tourists searching for green tourism services, increasing credibility.If tour operators feel compelled to search for suppliers carrying this specific label in order to meet their customers needs, also suppliers would have to comply with it in avoidance of risking their business relationship to the tour operator. This would provide the operators with a broader range of certified products to choose from. 12 In this case, it would have to be assured, that this accreditation cannot be obtained by devious means or through just an individual examination to avoid the allegation of â€Å"green washingâ€Å". Currently, most tour operators apply their own standards, tailored to their business activities. 3 This is partly due to the fact, that many certification schemes address small-scale tourism when it is really the mass tourism that needs to green the industry. Despite the fact that Europe is a forerunner in the sustainability discussion, there are hardly any regulations regarding the tour operator-business. Tour operators need to be provided with stronger incentives and effective tools to proactively enhance their own and their SC’s sustainability performance. 14 Conclusion Sustainable development in the tourism industry will take time. It requires a change of culture and governance.Tour operators are very well aware of their role and the responsibility they have in order to transform the tourism industry into a more sustainable one, acting as a hub for communication and collaboration. But since the re are no generally accepted frameworks or 10 11 Sigala (2008) Van Wijk & Persoon (2006) 12 Font (2002) 13 Budeanu (2009) 14 Van Wijk & Persoon (2006) 5 tools, many don’t see the necessity to fully comply. The most important step to take next is therefore the establishment of well-recognized standardized metrics for sustainable performance among tour operators and suppliers to set the stage for extensive SSCMimplementation.An initiative that was created to answer this purpose is the United Nations Environment Programme named â€Å"Tour Operators Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development†(TOI), which could not be discussed here, due to he brevity of this paper. Future research should also address to tour operator-networks respectively tourism-SCs outside Europe since SSCM-practices might be used by tour operators as a tool to raise the awareness of suppliers in the destinations. 6 Bibliography Budeanu, A. (2009). Environmental supply chain management in tourism: T he case of large tour operators.Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(16), 1385-1392. Clarke, J. (1997). A Framework of Approaches to Sustainable Tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5(3), 224-233. Font, X. (2002). Environmental certification in tourism and hospitality: progress, process and prospects, Tourism Management, 23(3), 197-205. Kleindorfer, P. R. , Singhal, K. & Van Wassenhove, L. (2005). Sustainable Operations Management. Production and Operations Management, 14(4), 482–492. Seuring, S. & Muller, M. (2008). From a literature review to a conceptual framework for sustainable supply chain management.Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(15), 1699– 1710. Sigala, M. (2008). A supply chain management approach for investigating the role of tour operators on sustainable tourism: the case of TUI. Journal of Cleaner Production, 16(15), 1589-1599. Tepelus, C. M. (2005). Aiming for sustainability in the tour operating business. Journal of Cleaner Production, 13(2), 99-107. Van Wijk, J. & Persoon, W. (2006) A Long-haul Destination: Sustainability Reporting Among Tour Operators. European Management Journal, 24(6), 381-395. 7
Saturday, November 9, 2019
New Criticism vs. Reader Response Criticism
What is more accurate, new criticism or reader response criticism? The answer Is neither, seeing as both styles of critic views and analyzes the topic at hand and gives feedback. Though both styles offer feedback, they are different forms of feedback entirely. New criticism involves focusing on the material at hand, and not what It was meant to be perceived as, to Judge the topic by every measurable feature possible. Reader response criticism is when a reader or a Judge would Inspect the topic up and down, left and right.The reader Is not Judging based on hard facts, but as to hat the topic means to the reader, how It makes him feel and how he views the topic differently from what the creator may have Intended. When explaining food for example, one could say this dish has a lot of salt, or not enough flavoring, or you could say that this dish brings back memories of your childhood. Neither response Is Inaccurate, nor are they fully correct. A response Is entirely subjective and could vary in the eye of the beholder.New criticism is harsh and severe, basing their feedback off hard facts of the topic. Food for example, is one topic that people could use new criticism. My mother sakes a dish every Friday night called â€Å"Match†. It is an Israeli dish made up of roasted red peppers and tomatoes, usually served cold. A judge using new criticism might mention things like the texture is not right, or that the intensity of the spicy flavor is not up to par. He could say something like, the texture is just perfect and the density is not too thick and not too soft.He views this food as nothing but another dish, noticing its faults and its feats. Reader response criticism is a different story. Though the Judge who views my mothers cooking with new criticism may bluntly say what is wrong with the food or hat is perfect, reader response criticism entails a new way of looking at my mothers dish. L, for example, do not inspect my mothers cooking, to ensure sure it ha s enough salt, or that it is not high in spices to the point where I could not eat it.I criticize the food differently. When the plate is brought out to the dinner table, my first Interaction with it is its delicious aroma. This aroma does not bring to my attention if the food is well prepared or not, but it takes me back to my childhood memories where I can see my grandmother making me the same dish in Israel, where I am dated around my entire family. This dish means more to me then a delicious salad- type dish, but it is a representation of the strength of our family as a whole.This dish Is a symbol of what brings our family together at the dinner table, Joining us for one purpose. Many people may see a movie and Judge the movie based on a number of things. Say there was a movie based on a high school basketball team that against all odds made It to the state finals and lost. A normal cartel may comment on the skill levels of the actors Involved, or they may bring up the topic of the depth of the plot. They may bring to some peoples attention what was wrong with the story, what did not make Others may see this movie differently.One viewer, could have been part of a high school athletic team, and could understand and relate to the hardships that the boys had to go through to make it to where they did. He might understand the excitement they felt when making it to the finals, or the pain they went through when the game clock hit zero. Both forms of criticism may be accurate, but how you view a movie or a dish can vary on the experiences you may have went through or the past you may be used to.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Chicago Referencing †Citing a Paper from a Conference
Chicago Referencing – Citing a Paper from a Conference Chicago Referencing – Citing a Paper from a Conference (Author–Date Style) The collected papers from an academic conference are often published as â€Å"conference proceedings.†But how do you cite a paper from a conference in an essay or dissertation? In this post, we look at doing exactly that using Chicago author–date style referencing. In-Text Citations To cite a paper from a conference, give the author’s surname and the year of publication in parentheses at the end of the relevant passage: Gin production increased between 1688 and 1721 (Gordon 2004). If you are quoting a conference paper, moreover, include a page number after a comma: This led to a â€Å"state of moral panic†(Hendrick 1990, 108). If the author is already named in the text, there is no need to repeat this information in the citation. Instead, give the year of publication (and any page numbers) immediately after the author’s surname. Reference List: Published Paper from Proceedings If you have cited a paper taken from published proceedings, use the following format in the reference list at the end of your document: Surname, First Name. Year of Publication. â€Å"Title of Paper.†In Title of Published Proceedings, edited by Editor Name(s), page numbers. City of Publication: Publisher. In practice, then, the reference list entry for a published conference paper would look like this: Gordon, Alexander. 2004. â€Å"Reexamining the Gin Craze.†In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Historical Beverages, edited by Franciscus Sylvius, 24-31. New York: NYU Press. Reference List: Unpublished Paper from a Conference Occasionally, you may want to cite an unpublished conference paper. This will typically be a paper you saw presented in person or that the author has made available online, but that has not been published in any proceedings. The format to use in your reference list in this case is: Surname, First Name. Year of Presentation. â€Å"Title of Paper.†Presented at Name, Location and Date of Conference. For example, we could present an unpublished conference paper as follows: Hendrick, William. 1990. â€Å"Legal Responses to the London Gin Craze.†Presented at The Annual Conference of Historical Beverages, New York University, New York, 24-27 June 1990.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Law - Criminal Profiling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Law - Criminal Profiling - Research Paper Example Indeed, it has been increasingly common in light of the perceived threats to the population by Islamic terrorists. Thus, in airplanes, Islamic-looking individuals are subjected to inspections and interviews of an intensity that white people are not normally subjected to. The increasing numbers of crime, and the associations by people that these crimes emanate from race-based communities such as Hispanic communities, are also responsible for the growing trend towards racial profiling. While racial profiling is never really legislated as a policy in its explicit sense, the ever-widening range of methods that a law enforcement officer are allowed to employ allow the use of racial profiling as a legitimate strategy. We now proceed to discussing the costs against the benefits of racial profiling. Those who support racial profiling believe that a utilitarian approach must be taken. The argument is that because it is true that there are crimes which certain racial groups are more predispose d to committing than other racial groups, â€Å"special efforts at crime reduction directed at members of such groups are justified, if not required.†(Risse and Zeckhauser, 2004). ... In contrast, those who are opposed to racial profiling dispute the position that some races have a greater tendency to commit some crimes than others. Indeed, in a study conducted, the officers’ behaviour of racial profiling is not supported by any showing that the criminal acts in the predominantly white community were committed by African Americans (Meehan and Ponder, 2002). Of course, the deeper objection to racial profiling is that it does â€Å"curtail the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by millions of people who belong to racial and ethnic minorities.†(American Civil Liberties Union and Rights Working Group, 2009). The jurisprudence has also tended to support racial profiling. It has been held, for example, that when testing the constitutionality of a vehicle stop, the motivations of a police officer making the stop (e.g., if the motivations were driven by racial bias) are immaterial, the only question is whether or not the officer had cause to effect the s top. Whren v. United States, 517 U.S. 806 (1996). The impact on this on racial profiling is very much evident – it basically gives police officers unfettered rights to make stops, even if it targets specific racial or ethnic minorities. In the end, instead of educating the police forces to be race-blind, it condones discrimination on the basis of racial and ethnic differences. The role of geography in profiling predatory criminals Geography plays a major role in the profiling of criminals. Some parts of the world have been stereotyped as providing concentrated numbers of individuals engaged in similar crimes. For example, Latin America is known as a drug cartel haven. Many Americans assume that illicit drugs in the United
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Business Ethics - Ethical Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Ethics - Ethical Dilemma - Essay Example To do this, the essay will start by describing a situation at my friend Mary’s former placement workplace that posed an ethical dilemma. Later, the essay will seek to explain why the situation proved an ethical dilemma, before coming up with an appropriate solution for it. Working for a few months at Sisto Mission Hospital as a content developer and data entry clerk, Mary came across some information that placed her in a dilemma ethically. As she was gathering information as part of her daily routine, her sister’s fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s name came to the screen. His information said that he had recently been tested for HIV and diagnosed to be positive. In addition, the information also showed that Michael was currently under treatment at a local facility, as well as counseling services, for HIV. Mary and her sister and are close, especially since their mother passed away from cancer early in their lives, which has meant that they always look out for one another. Having met her sister at least six times in the last month, Mary was sure she did not know about Michael’s condition. If she did, Mary or her father would have known about it by now. The information comes at an especially crucial moment because her sister is preparing for her wedding in three weeks. Mary am devastated by the information and torn between her sister and family on one side and her job on the other. If she elects not to give this information to her sister with regards to her fiancà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s condition, she can maintain my integrity and get a good reference from her boss. This is important, as this is a prestigious company, which will strengthen her CV significantly. However, telling her sister about Michael’s condition will inform her decision on whether to go ahead with the wedding. She could be able to evaluate her position alongside Michael and make a decision based on reality. Nonetheless, doing this could lead to termination from Mary’s current position and a poor report from her
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Role of the HR Function Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
The Role of the HR Function - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that some of the main challenges that HR departments are confronted with are the acquisition of new technologies, new skills, incorporating social values, deteriorating conditions of work, etc. The project makes an assessment of the major roles of HR and their importance in the organizations. The basic function of HR in a variety of technical, complex, analytical tasks is to support the internal HR services in the department. The department conducts various duties apart from recruitment and selection, compensation plan administration, classification, affirmative action, position control, benefits administration, and personnel policy administration, labor contract. Besides it is also required to handle such responsibilities as interpretation, processing, and tracking of grievance, labor and employee relations, acting as the chief negotiator for the agency’s contract/s performance appraisal tracking, and also a wide variety of activities. One of the major roles of HR functions is to manage line management. The HR departments have the responsibility of communicating the roles of the line managers. There is also an increasing requirement for the personnel activities to be measured against the costs involved and the value that they add. The HR plays the main role in measuring the balance between the above aspects. Team development and management account for another important function of the human resource departments in organizations. This is done starting from the process of recruitment, selection, management, promotions, staff development etc. Recruitment involves looking for the right candidates according to the requirements of the organization. This includes choosing candidates according to their educational qualifications, setting the job roles and job descriptions etc.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cause of Extinction - Global Warming Research Paper
Cause of Extinction - Global Warming - Research Paper Example Many of the species have become extinct so far. These include animals as well as plants. There are various reasons for extinction. The word extinction is used to describe a situation when the last living member of any species dies. This is a kind of situation where there is no other member of that lives in the planet. In other sense the particular species becomes obsolete. This is the situation where the concerned species is called â€Å"extinct†. Functional extinction of a species happens when only few members of that species survive but they are completely unable to reproduce due to many biotic reasons, such as age, poor health etc. There are various reasons behind extinction of any species. Most of those reasons are natural reasons, which are beyond any human control. But many of those reasons include direct or indirect human intervention into the natural system. The extinction of Dinosaur was entirely due to the natural reasons. Many of the big species became extinction du e to unexpected natural phenomena. All of those phenomena were beyond human control. Recently most of the species are getting extinct also because of the natural reasons, but those phenomena have direct or indirect human intervention into the society. ... Again these species are becoming extinct because of some other factors also. Human beings are getting much more conscious about their current direct consumption of natural resource. To accomplish this, they are degrading the nature in a way that is creating threats to those species. This phenomenon is also directly or indirectly affecting the ecology of the planet the earth. And those are again directly or indirectly affecting the lives of those species and also the lives of humans (Sodhi, Bradshaw, & Brook, 514). But among all these reasons global warming is a key factor causing the extinction of different species around the whole world. Global Warming and Extinction: Global Warming or the problem of global climate change is the most important reasons for extinction of many of the known species around the whole world. These two reasons are basically interrelated. A recent study suggests that by 2050 almost 37% of well-known plants and animal species will be extinct (Climate Change H eadlines from 2000 to 2009). The human-intervened global warming has caused the first known mammal in 2008. In some of the parts of the world, such as northern Queensland, many of the species cannot survive because the temperature has gone up to 30  °C (Climate Change Headlines from 2000 to 2009). This kind of scenario is also the same in the northern regions and in other southern regions of the world. One of the most fascinating studies reveals that before 2100 there will be complete human extinction. And again the reason is global warming and the world climate change. In that time, the temperature of the world will be 29  °F or 16  °C and in the atmosphere the carbon dioxide levels will reach to a
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Memristor Spice Model For Designing Memristor Circuits Economics Essay
Memristor Spice Model For Designing Memristor Circuits Economics Essay Memristors are novel electronic devices, a device that can be used and give a great advantage in many applications such as memory, logic, neuromorphic systems and so on. A computer model of the memristor would be a useful tool to analysis circuit behavior to help in develops application of this memristor as passive circuit element via simulation. In this paper, we incorporate a memristor SPICE for designing memristor circuit which is more focusing on non-linear model and analog circuits. SPICE model would be appropriate way to describe real device operation. We incorporating the memristor with various window functions that have been proposed in non linear ion drift memristor devices. In investigating and characterizing the physical electronic and behavioral properties of memristor devices, the circuit analysis of the proposed memristor models are then been studied. The simulation output should have a current-voltage hysteresis curve, which looks like bow tie. The loops map the switch ing behavior of the device. Then, we come out with a simple analog circuit which in this case we construct a simple integrator op-amp and differentiator op-amp circuit and make comparison between memristor implemented circuit and normal circuit. The research verifies the proposed memristor model, the possibilities of implementing memristor model and the advantage implementing the memristor in analog circuit. Keywords memristor, SPICE model, non linear, window functions, analog circuit. Introduction Memristor is the contraction of memory resistor which is a passive device that provides a functional relation between charge and flux. It is a two-terminal circuit element in which the flux between the two terminals is a function of the amount of electric charge that has passed through the device [1]. A memristor is said to be charge-controlled if the relation between flux and charge is expressed as a function of electric charge and it is said to be flux-controlled if the relation between flux and charge is expressed as a function of the flux linkage [2]. In 1971, Leon Chua proposed that there should be a fourth fundamental passive circuit element to create a mathematical relationship between electric charge and magnetic flux which he called the memristor which is short for memory resistor [2]. The current is defined as the time derivative of the charge. The voltage is defined as the time derivative of the flux according the faraday law. A resistor is defined by the relationship between voltage and current dv=Rdi, the capacitor is defined by the relationship between charge and voltage dq=Cdv, the inductor is defined by the relationship between flux and current dà †=Ldi. The fourth fundamental circuit element completes the symmetry of the relation between charge and magnetic flux dà †=Mdq. Table 1 show the relationship between the fundamental circuit element. Basic two terminal devices Equation Relationship between fundamental circuit element Resistor,R dv=Rdi v and i Capacitor,C dq=Cdv v and q Inductor,L dà †=Ldi i and à †Memristor,M dà †=Mdq q and à †Table 1: The four fundamental element (resistor, capacitor, inductor and memristor). In 2008, Stanley Williams and his team at Hewlett Packard had succesfully fabricated the first memristor in physical device form which is a long wait from Leon Chua discovery in 1971 [3]. Memristance is a property of memristor. When the charge flows in one direction through a circuit, the resistances of the memristor increase. The resistance decreases when the charge flows in the opposite direction in the circuit. If the applied voltage is turned off, thus stopping the flow of charge and the memristor remembers the last resistance that it had [1]. In HP memristor model, to create a memristor, they used a very thin film of titanium dioxide (TiO2). The thin film is then sandwiched between the two platinum (Pt) contacts. One side of TiO2 is doped with oxygen vacancies denoted as TiO2-x which x is usually 0.05. The oxygen vacancies are positively charged ion and make it conductive, thus it behaves as a semiconductor. Another side of the TiO2 junction is undoped. The undoped region has insulating properties. The device established by HP is shown in Figure 1 [3]. Figure 1: Memristor model adapt from [3]. When a positive voltage is applied, the positively charged oxygen vacancies in the doped TiO2-x layer are repelled and moving them towards to the undoped TiO2 layer. When the boundary between the two materials moves, the percentage of the conducting TiO2-x layer is increase. Thus, the conductivity of the whole device increases. When a negative voltage is applied, the positively charged oxygen vacancies are attracted and pulling them out of TiO2 layer. This increases the amount of insulating TiO2, thus increasing the resistivity of the whole device. When the voltage is turned off, the oxygen vacancies do not move. The boundary between the two titanium dioxide layers is frozen. This is how the memristor remembers the voltage last applied [1]. Methodology Our aim in this research is to provide a simulation program adequately simulates and can be used as a circuit element in design work. To model the electrical characteristics of the memristor, SPICE would be appropriate way to describe real device operation [4]. Moreover, using the model as a sub-circuit can highly guarantee a reasonable high flexibility and scalability features [5]. We use LTSPICE to create a memristor model and design new symbol of the memristor circuit for the simulation because LTSPICE is much easier to handle compared to others. On the other hand, LTSPICE is a freeware and it will give a great advantage to the students in doing research for this newly devices. We use SPICE model that been adapt from [6] and we made some adjustment so we can use it for several window functions that has been proposed for non linear ion drift model. The SPICE model is created based on the mathematical model of the HP Labs memristor. After the memristor has been modeled, we first studied the difference between proposed memristor and then we will start design and implement the memristor with an analog circuit. We also investigate and made a comparison between the memristor circuit with analog circuit to see the difference and study the behavior of the circuits. Model Of The Memristor from HP Labs In the model of a memristor presented here, there is a thin semiconductor film that has two regions, one with a high concentration of dopant that behaves like a low resistance called RON and the other with a low dopant concentration with higher resistance called ROFF [3]. The film is sandwiched between two metal contacts as in figure 1. The total resistance of the memristor, RMEM, is a sum of the resistances of the doped and undoped regions, w is the width of the doped region and D is the total length of the TiO2 layer. ROFF and RON will be the limit values of the memristor resistance for w=0 and w=D. The ratio of the two resistances is usually given as 102 103. (1) (2) From the ohms law relation between the memristor voltages and current, we get (3) Then, we insert (1) into (3). The voltage v(t) across the device will move the boundary between the two regions causing the charged dopants to drift. So, there is a drift ion mobility  µv in the device. The change of the boundary is denoted as in (5). (4) (5) To get x(t), we then integrates the right side of equation (5) which then yields the following formula (6) By inserting equation (6) into equation (4) and since usually RON (7) Where  µv is the average drift velocity and has the units cm2/sV, D is the thickness of titanium-dioxide film ROFF and RON are on-state and off-state resistances and q(t) is the total charge passing through the memristor device. Non Linear Ion Drift Model Even a small voltage across the nanodevices will produce a large electric field [7]. This causing the ion boundary position will move in a decidedly non-linear. Nonlinear dopant drift adds nonlinear window function f(x) to the state equation. The window function decreases as the state variables drift speed approaches the boundaries until it reaches zero when reaching either boundaries [8]. The speeds of the movement of the boundary between the doped and undoped regions are depending on several factors. (8) Where  µv is the dopant mobility. The speed of the boundary between the doped and undoped regions decreases gradually to zero at the film edges [1]. We simulate the nonlinear ion drift memristor model with these window function to see the difference and the issue that been faced by them. Window Function Window function is a function of the state variable. Window function forces the bounds of the device and to add nonlinear behavior close to these bounds. In other words, it creates the boundary for the memristor. Any effective window function should therefore fulfill the following conditions [8]: Take into account the boundary conditions at the top and bottom electrodes of the device; Be capable of imposing nonlinear drift over the entire active core of the device; Provide linkage between the linear and nonlinear dopant drift models; Be scalable, meaning a range of fmax(x) can be obtained such that 0 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ fmax(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ 1; Utilize a built-in control parameter for adjusting the model. There are several window functions that have been proposed for non-linear model till date which are by Strukov, Joglekar and, Biolek, and Prodromakis. Strukov proposed the following window function [3]. (9) However, as we can see in the figure 2, this window function lacks of flexibility. Figure 2: Plot of Strukov window function. Another window function was proposed by Joglekar [4], which has a control parameter p which is a positive integer. The purpose of having a control parameter as an exponent is to incorporate scalability and flexibility in window function f(x) that describes the dopant kinetics. (10) Figure 3 displays a graphical representation of the window function described by Joglekar for various p parameter (p=1, 5 and 10). This control parameter controls the linearity of the model, where it becomes more linear as p increases. This window function ensures zero drift at the boundaries. From the plotted graph, we noticed that the maximum f(x) value is occurs at the center of the device and zero is obtained at two boundaries. However, a significant liability of this model lies in the fact that if w hits any of the boundaries (w = 0 or w = D) the state of the device cannot be further adjusted. This will be from now on termed as the terminal state problem. Figure 3: Plot of Joglekar window function for p=1, 5 and 10. Then, Biolek proposed another window function that allows the memristor to come back from the terminal state problem. (11) The reversed bias is now should move back the state variable after it reaches either boundary. This feature is described by a current dependent step function, stp(i), which is a part of a new window function f(x) that behaves differently in each voltage bias direction. (12) Figure 4: Plot of Biolek window function for p=1, 5 and 10. Figure 4 displays a graphical representation of the window function described by Biolek for various p parameter (p=1, 5 and 10). When x starts at 0, we noticed that the function equal to 1. As x increase approaching D, the function approaches 0. Once the current reverse the direction, the function immediately switch to 1. As x decrease back to 0, the function also decreases to 0. Biolek window function eliminates convergence issues at the devices boundaries. The last window function for non-linear model is proposed by Prodromakis [8]. (13) Figure 5 displays a graphical representation of the window function described by Prodromakis for various p parameter (p=1, 5 and 10). As we can see, it allows the window function to scale upwards which implies that fmax(x) can take any value within 0 Figure 5: Plot of Prodromakis window function for p=1, 5 and 10. SPICE Model of Memristor Figure 6: Stucture of the SPICE model from [6]. In the above circuit in figure 6, VMEM is the input voltage and Imem is modeled to be the current through the memristor. The flux is calculated by integrating the voltage VMEM and the charge is calculated by integrating the current IMEM. Figure 7: Resistive port of the memristor model. As we can see in figure 7, the circuit is actually referred to total resistor RMEM. RMEM (x) = ROFF -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R where à ¢Ã‹â€ †R= ROFF-RON. ROFF is the resistor in series voltage source whose terminal voltage is controlled by the formula -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R. Figure 8: Differential equation modeling of the memristor. Figure 8 shows the differential equation modeling of the memrsitor. It consist a part of the voltage controlled source xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R and the differential equation from equation (6) which serves as an integrator of the quantities on the right side of the state equation (6) which is to get the value of normalize x. EMEM is the voltage source whose terminal voltage is controlled according to the formula -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R. GX is a current source whose current is controlled according to the equation IMEMf(V(x)) where V(x) is the voltage across the capacitor Cx and it models the normalized width x of the doped layer. F(V(x)) is the window function, k is  µvRON/D2 and x0 is the initial voltage of the capacitor.[6]. The relation between memristor current and voltage is modeled as on the basis of RMEM (x) = ROFF -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R where à ¢Ã‹â€ †R= ROFF-RON. The voltage V(x) across the capacitor CX models the normalized width x of the doped layer. The initial state of x is modeled by the initial voltage of the capacitor. The flux is calculated by the time-integral of voltage, and the charge is calculated by the time-integral of current. Result and Discussion All models were simulated in LTSpice using SPICE model that was given in [6], we add new nonlinear window functions that was proposed by prodromakis and strukov to the model and compare all suggested window functions. memristor Figure 9: Memristor circuit. Figure 9 shows configuration of single memristor for measuring the behavior of memristor model in LTSPICE with a sine wave input voltage of 1.2V with 1Hz frequency. The values for the memristor parameters  µv, D, RON, ROFF and RINITIAL are 10-10cm2s-1V-1, 10 nm, 100ohm, 16kohm and 11Kohm. All model are using same window function parameter p=10. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultstrukovstrukov1.png Figure 10: Strukov memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Figure 10 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Strukov window function of voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. As we can see, the current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately 100 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. The RMEM for this model show that the values are in range of 11kOhm till 12kohm which means the effect of the voltage applied to the memristor only give slightly changes on the value of the memristor. Noticed that when positive voltage is applied, the conductivity of the device increases thus the memristance is decrease. When negative voltage is applied, the resistivity of the device increase thus the memristance is also increase. This verifies the memristive system on the device. In normalize x graph, we also noticed that the normalized x is at higher state in the beginning. Figure 11 shows the I-V characteristic of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. The charge and flux curve curves confirms the well known fact that there is a one-to-one correspondence between them in spite of the 1-4 hysteresis effect. Strukov memristor shows lack of flexibility of controlling the device. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultstrukovstrukov4.png Figure 11: Strukov memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultjoglekarjoglekar1.png Figure 12: Joglekar memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Joglekar window function seems to be promising as the existence of controlling parameter. Figure 12 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Joglekar window function of voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Same as strukov memristor, when positive voltage is applied, the conductivity of the device increases thus the memristance is decrease. When negative voltage is applied, the resistivity of the device increase thus the memristance is also increase. The current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately 300 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. Joglekar window function give higher current compared to others. It shows that the current in the memristor are much easier to move. The RMEM are within range of nearly 0ohm to 11kohm which give full range of value for the memristor. Figure 13 show the I-V hysteresis loop of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. The switching behavior is much more sensitive on the voltage level than Strukov w indow function. But, in term of stability, Joglekar window function cannot perform for an arbitrary length of time. This failure is caused by the convergence issue where when the memristor reach w=0 or w=D, the state of the device cannot be further adjusted. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultjoglekarjoglekar4.png Figure 13: Joglekar memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. Biolek window functions are supposed to solve terminal state problem as in literature [4]. It should solve the boundry problem of the terminal state. Figure 14 and 15 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Biolek window function. The current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately 220 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. The RMEM are within range of nearly 1kohm to 11kohm. Figure 15 show the I-V hysteresis loop of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. From the figures, we observe that the biolek memristor preserve the highly non-linear device characteristic behavior. In addition, Bioleks model allows for general asymmetric I-V device behavior modeling. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultbiolekbiolek1.png Figure 14: Biolek memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultbiolekbiolek4.png Figure 15: Biolek memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. Prodromakis window functions are also said to solve the boundry issue. Figure 16 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Joglekar window function of voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. The current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately nearly 180 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. The RMEM are within range of nearly 3kohm to 11kohm. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultprodromakisprodromakis1.png Figure 16: Prodromakis memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Figure 17 show the I-V hysteresis loop of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. The hysteresis loop is shown to be asymmetrical while the OFF state of the device is highly non-linear compared with other. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultprodromakisprodromakis4.png Figure 17: Prodromakis memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. In comparing of I-V characteristic hysteresis loop, as we can see in figure 18, it shows all hysteresis loops for all proposed window functions. By using same parameter we can see the difference in each model. Joglekar window function seems to have a strong memristance compared to others.All models seem to be a good approximation of the measurement of the real memristor produces by HP Labs. But, Prodromakis memristor model satisfies all the prerequisites and improves on the shortcomings of existing models. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultall iv loop hysteresisiv hysteresis loop all.png Figure 18: I-V Hysteresis Loop for all models. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultdiff parameterprodromakis p=1, p=5, p=10.png Figure 19: Prodromakis I-V Hysteresis Loop when p=1, p=5 and p=10. Then, we try change the parameter of p of the model. In this case, we use prodromakis memristor model and change the value of integer p=1, p=5 and p=10 to see the difference. As we can see in figure 19, as the value of p is increase, the hysteresis is shrinking. Similar with changing the parameter p, figure 20 also confirm that the hysteresis shrinks at higher frequencies. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultdiff frequency1hz-5hz.png Figure 20: Prodromakis I-V Hysteresis Loop when frequency f=1Hz, f=2Hz and f=5Hz. In term of power dissipation, as we simulates our results. We can get the value of maximum IMEM for each model. We can calculate the power by using P=IV equation. Table 2 show the maximum power dissipation for each memristor. Memristor model Max IMEM,  µA Power, W Strukov 100 µA 120 µW Joglekar 300  µA 360 µW Biolek 220 µA 264 µW Prodromakis 180  µA 216 µW Table 2: IMEM and Power dissipation for all at the memristor. As in table 2, we can see that the Strukov model give lowest power which is 120 µW while Joglekar model give much higher power dissipation which is about 360 µW compared to the others. We also noticed that as the memristor model is improves, the power become lesser. Prodromakis give quite good power dissipation which is 216 µW as the best windows function and model as till now. In implementing memristor with analog circtuit, we pick a two simple analog circuit to be tested. Figure 21 shows the SPICE topology of the memristor based integrator op amplifier with the input voltage Vp-p=2.4V from -1.2V to 1.2V and C1=25 µF. Using the memristor model that we create earlier with various types of window functions, we see the difference on the simulated result on each model. The values for the memristor parameters are same for all model with uv, D, RON, ROFF and RINITIAL are 10-10cm2s-1V-1, 10nm, 100ohm, 16kohm and 11Kohm. memristor integrator op amp Figure 21: Memristor Implemented Integrator Circuit C:UsersFadzDesktopresultintegrator+ve integrator .png Figure 22: Positive Integrator simulation C:UsersFadzDesktopresultintegrator-ve integrator .png Figure 23: Negative Integrator simulation Figure 22 and 23 shows the simulation result for the implemented memristor integrator op amplifier for positive input and negative input respectively. In this case, we implement prodromakis memristor to the integrator circuit. As we know, the integrator acts like a storage element that produces a voltage output which is proportional to the integral of its input voltage with respect to time. The magnitude of the output signal is determined by the length of time a voltage is present at its input as the current through the feedback loop charges or discharges the capacitor as the required negative feedback occurs through the capacitor. For positive starting input, we vary the voltage from 1.2V down to -1.2V and going back to 1.2V over time. When positive voltage are applied in the beginning, the output voltage tend to discharge and drop from 0V to negative voltage and charging back to 0V when the input voltage are drop to negative voltage. The output for neg ative voltage applied from starting point give a vice versa result. The charging and discharge are depends the voltage applied over time and the value of the capacitor. We can say the memristor models give quite good result for an integrator. Figure 24: Memristor Implemented Differentiator Circuit. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultdifferentiatordifferentiator.png Figure 25: Saw tooth input of Memristor implemented differentiator op-amp simulation. Figure 25 shows the simulation result for the implemented memristor differentiator op amplifier. We are using prodromakis memristor model for the memristor implementation. As we know, for differentiator op-amp, the magnitude of its output is determined by the rate at which the voltage is applied to its input changes. The faster the input voltage changes, the greater the output voltage becomes. If a saw tooth input signal is applied to the input of the differentiator op-amp a square wave signal will be produced. As we can see in figure 25, the simulation shows a quite good result for differentiator. We also noticed some spikes at the output voltage. Each spikes occurs only occurs the brief moment the saw tooth is changing from one level to the next. The voltage spikes represent a temporary output voltage. Conclusion As a conclusion to this research is that it could bring a new light of familiarization in the integration of memristive components in any kinds of electronic devices that are at nanoscale. It is useful to have a computer model of the memristor as a tool for the analysis of the behavior of the circuits in developing application of this memristor as passive circuit element via simulation. SPICE model will definitely help us to conduct interesting simulation experiments and can be of great importance for such a research in future while the memristor are still hard to fabricate to study the behavior of the circuit. Different models with strong behavior and reason give a lot of benefits in development purpose to create the possibilities of the implementation in an integrated circuit. The possibilities for implementation of the memristor with analog circuit are wide open. Appendix .SUBCKT memristor plus minus PARAMS: + Ron=100 Roff=16K Rinit=11K D=10N uv=10F p=10 *********************************************** * DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION MODELING * *********************************************** Gx 0 x value={ I(Emem)*uv*Ron/D**2*f(V(x),p)} Cx x 0 1 IC={(Roff-Rinit)/(Roff-Ron)} Raux x 0 1T * RESISTIVE PORT OF THE MEMRISTOR * *********************************************** Emem plus aux value={-I(Emem)*V(x)*(Roff-Ron)} Roff aux minus {Roff} *********************************************** *Flux computation* *********************************************** Eflux flux 0 value={SDT(V(plus,minus))} *********************************************** *Charge computation* *********************************************** Echarge charge 0 value={SDT(I(Emem))} *********************************************** * WINDOW FUNCTIONS * FOR NONLINEAR DRIFT MODELING * *********************************************** *proposed by joglekar ;.func f(x,p)={1-(2*x-1)**(2*p)} *proposed by biolek ;.func f(x,i)={1-(x-stp(-i))**(2*p)} *proposed by prodromakis ;.func f(x,p)={1-(((x-0.5)**2)+0.75)**p} *proposed by strukov .func f(x,p)={x-x*2} .ENDS memristor Acknowledgment This paper participates in the IEEE Student Conference Research Development SCORED 2012. The author would like to thank Dr. Wan Fazlida Hanim bte Abdullah for being supervisor in this final year project. The author also would like to thank Universiti Teknologi MARA for funding the research work through the Excellence Fund Grant 600-RMI/ST/DANA 5/3/RIF(360/2012).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Is anything really being done? :: Essays Papers
Is anything really being done? In April 2001, Timothy Thomas, age 19, was shot and killed by Cincinnati Police Officer, Stephen Roach. Thomas ran from the officer while Roach was trying to arrest him for violations that were brought against him in the past. Timothy Thomas was wanted for 14 various minor misdemeanors for driving without a driver’s license and two of those misdemeanors were for not wearing a seat belt. However, Roach had said that his life was in danger that dark April night, when Thomas ran to the threatening alley, so Officer Roach’s instincts told him to shoot the gun. Riots broke out and â€Å"Mayor Charlie Luken declares a state of emergency†(Goetz). This led to countless arrest among many young citizens of Cincinnati. â€Å"Small groups of vandals roamed several neighborhoods†¦ breaking windows, looting stores and assaulting at least one white motorist who was dragged from her car, police said†(The Associated Press). The Enquirer states, â€Å"Protest er’s overturn planters and hot dog stands†as well (Goetz). This vandalism persisted for three days and it was getting out of hand so there was a â€Å"citywide curfew beginning at 8 p.m†(Goetz). The curfews ended in four nights. Mayor Charlie Luken said, â€Å"We may call in the National Guard to help quell the violent protest†(The Associated Press). Thomas’ mother spoke out in grief; however, she did not want this conflict between the city to continue. Nonetheless, since the April riots, the community has not been the same for Cincinnati. Everything is a race issue, for African Americans, they feel things aren’t going their way. As for Whites, they feel everything is now going the African Americans way. However, Mayor Charlie Luken is creating ideas to get this city back on its feet. Things are being done to help Cincinnati. Since these out breaks have happened in Cincinnati in April, many citizens are scared to go downtown. One woman said, â€Å"One of the most unusual effects of the discord was that it kept on going, seemingly without end†(Enquirer). Another youth says that he was â€Å"effected by all of the riots, curfews, the disruption on the businesses, effects on race relations, and has heard all kinds of reactions†(Kuley).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Summary of Globalization
* Review Gail Wyatt's research on heterosexual's Black women's sexual experience (notes from slides). * According to the article â€Å"Married to the Holy Spirit†and class notes what are some potential consequences for attempting to maintain a faith-based abstinence life style? * What are some of the characteristics of different gender presentations of Black lesbians (e. g. , â€Å"femmes†, â€Å"studs†). * Identify the ways that Black lesbians deal with sexual prejudice in their lives (article: â€Å"It ain't all as bad as it may seem†). * Define â€Å"sexual concurrency. How does it influence male-female relationships and rates of HIV. Black motherhood * According to Chaney, how do Black women define â€Å"womanhood? †* How do parents, peers, healthcare workers, and the media influence Black women's sexual practices and attitudes toward delaying early pregnancy as they pursue their education (Dilworth article). * How has Black women's reproduction been controlled throughout history (Flavin article and notes). * Identify some specific socialization messages that Black women give to their daughters (Thomas article). Community Violence/Homicide Review the statists on community violence and homicide. What are some specific types of homicide? * What community characteristics increase the probability of community violence? * Discuss at least 3 different factors (they could be historical, social, or economic) that make Black women more vulnerable to violence or make it more difficult for them to recover. * Explain Black mothers' cognitive process and ways of finding meaning after the loss of a child to homicide. * What are some ways that Black women coping with community violence in housing projects. Sexual Assault/Intimate Partner Violence * According to a Black feminist perspective, what factors do researchers consider when explaining intimate partner violence (Potter article). * What are some factors that make the recovery process more challenging for Black victims of sexual harassment? * Regarding sexual assault, identify the characteristics of survivors and their assault, risk factors, and physical and mental health consequences. What are some culturally sensitive responses to treating Black survivors?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2 Essay
I shall now evaluate the significance of Act 2 Scene 2. Before this scene we know that Macbeth has already killed King Duncan. We have been introduced to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Furthermore, we have been introduced to the Murder, and guilt in the environment. This scene is essential to the plot because the scene produces and develops the character of Macbeth, and shows a different side of Macbeth after the murder of Duncan. It is essential also because it shows the reaction and effect the murder has put on Lady Macbeth. The two main characters in this scene are Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth. This scene is one of the most significant scenes in this entire play. Owing to the fact that, in this scene Macbeth and Lady Macbeth reveal their equivocating and uncertain emotions and personalities. To be precise, in the beginning of this play Macbeth was a courageous, honourable and loyal soldier. However, he met three witches after a war. The witches sabotaged his mind into believing the fact that he would become the King of Scotland. These predictions the witches made roused Macbeth’s ambition and lead him into murdering King Duncan. In this scene, Macbeth has been mocked by his wife, into killing Duncan. Confused with his conscience and ambition Macbeth commits the sin. This scene shows the changes in Macbeth’s emotions and specifies that he is an enterprising character, who goes through the contrast between his courage and guilt. Act 2 scene 2 shows that Macbeth is in misery. This scene is about Macbeth being questioned by his conscience and about the betrayal that he has committed. An example of Macbeth questioning his conscience would be: â€Å"But wherefore could not I pronounce â€Å"Amen†?†In this quote you can tell that Macbeth is asking himself a question that is connected to him being uncomfortable. Another example of Macbeth’s guilt is: â€Å"Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more!†This quote proves that Macbeth knows that he won’t be able to sleep at night, because his conscience has been questioned. Act 2 scene 2 portrays Lady Macbeth as a cruel and evil character. The fact that she says â€Å"That which hath made them drunk hath made be bold†shows that she doesn’t feel any guilt and that she is still very cruel instead of being worrying about the consequences about the things that she has done. When Lady Macbeth says â€Å"Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there: go carry then; and smear the sleepy grooms with blood†you can tell that she is only afraid about getting caught, but not guilty about what he has done, except she wants to make it seem even worse by smearing the grooms with blood. Shakespeare emphasizes the two character’s personalities by making them completely different from each other. He makes it a balance because he wants the audience to see the irony that he has created in the play because in the future the two characters will swap their personalities. Shakespeare uses the effect of imagery in this play. In this particular scene he uses his strong visual words to create pictures in the audience’s minds. Even though, the death of Duncan isn’t described specifically in this play, the audience will still be able to imagine the terrible scene of murder. When Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"My hands are of your colour; but I shame to wear a heart so white†she implies the effect and image of blood, because when she says colour people will most probably think of blood. Macbeth responds by saying â€Å"This is a sorry sight†it also implies to the audience that it isn’t very good to be seen. Also, when Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"Smear the sleepy grooms with blood†the imagery is very effective because people can picture a room and people smeared with blood. Imagery is very significant because it is the only way that the audience will be able to see the story. If there are no strong visual words then the audience will not be able to see anything, this way it will be harder for the audience to enjoy the story. Hence, Shakespeare uses imagery. Murder and guilt are the two main themes addressed in this scene. In the whole play, Macbeth’s unintelligent behaviour and other flaws in his character caused Macbeth’s failure and ruination. Also, Lady Macbeth’s pressure on him was an important reason of his downfall. This is shown comprehensively in this scene. In this play Shakespeare is trying to show the audience that ambition and passion is good only when it is thought up to a limit, and if people think of right and wrong. However, it could be bad when it becomes so passionate that it shatters one’s honour and pride. In this scene Shakespeare tries to show the audience Macbeth’s wrong decision and the consequence to his spurious ambition. The theme of murder is shown in Lady Macbeth’s dialogues. When she says â€Å"I have drugged their possets†the audience can feel the murder theme, because Lady Macbeth is so keen and excited about Duncan’s death that she would do anything. Also, when she says â€Å"Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t†it also shows that she would have done anything to make Macbeth the king. The theme of guilt is only shown in Macbeth’s dialogues. When Macbeth says â€Å"Sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more†the audience can easily tell that Macbeth is feeling guilty about what he has done. Also, when he says â€Å"This is a sorry sight†people can tell that Macbeth is afraid of what has happened. Also, the audience can tell that Macbeth hasn’t done everything with his own decision. This is very ironic because in this scene Macbeth is the one who is guilty and carries on with the theme of guilt. However, further in the play it’s Lady Macbeth that is guilty and Macbeth carries the theme of Murder instead of Lady Macbeth. The original audience would have responded to this scene with fear and anger towards Lady Macbeth because she plays a very cruel character that is very vicious and nasty and doesn’t care about what has happened. However, the audience would feel sorry for Macbeth and find Macbeth very dumb for doing what he has done. The overall dramatic impact of the scene is a very strong effect of evilness. The most intense aspect of this scene is when Shakespeare shows the difference between cruelty (Lady Macbeth) and guilt (Macbeth) because this is the point where the audience is thinking most about the reaction of characters of the death. This scene is a scene of a climax point where there are a lot of different characteristics added to each character. The scene’s significance to the rest of the play is very strong because it is contrasting to the rest of the play where Lady Macbeth becomes guilty and Macbeth becomes vicious.
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