Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Role of the HR Function Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
The Role of the HR Function - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that some of the main challenges that HR departments are confronted with are the acquisition of new technologies, new skills, incorporating social values, deteriorating conditions of work, etc. The project makes an assessment of the major roles of HR and their importance in the organizations. The basic function of HR in a variety of technical, complex, analytical tasks is to support the internal HR services in the department. The department conducts various duties apart from recruitment and selection, compensation plan administration, classification, affirmative action, position control, benefits administration, and personnel policy administration, labor contract. Besides it is also required to handle such responsibilities as interpretation, processing, and tracking of grievance, labor and employee relations, acting as the chief negotiator for the agency’s contract/s performance appraisal tracking, and also a wide variety of activities. One of the major roles of HR functions is to manage line management. The HR departments have the responsibility of communicating the roles of the line managers. There is also an increasing requirement for the personnel activities to be measured against the costs involved and the value that they add. The HR plays the main role in measuring the balance between the above aspects. Team development and management account for another important function of the human resource departments in organizations. This is done starting from the process of recruitment, selection, management, promotions, staff development etc. Recruitment involves looking for the right candidates according to the requirements of the organization. This includes choosing candidates according to their educational qualifications, setting the job roles and job descriptions etc.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Cause of Extinction - Global Warming Research Paper
Cause of Extinction - Global Warming - Research Paper Example Many of the species have become extinct so far. These include animals as well as plants. There are various reasons for extinction. The word extinction is used to describe a situation when the last living member of any species dies. This is a kind of situation where there is no other member of that lives in the planet. In other sense the particular species becomes obsolete. This is the situation where the concerned species is called â€Å"extinct†. Functional extinction of a species happens when only few members of that species survive but they are completely unable to reproduce due to many biotic reasons, such as age, poor health etc. There are various reasons behind extinction of any species. Most of those reasons are natural reasons, which are beyond any human control. But many of those reasons include direct or indirect human intervention into the natural system. The extinction of Dinosaur was entirely due to the natural reasons. Many of the big species became extinction du e to unexpected natural phenomena. All of those phenomena were beyond human control. Recently most of the species are getting extinct also because of the natural reasons, but those phenomena have direct or indirect human intervention into the society. ... Again these species are becoming extinct because of some other factors also. Human beings are getting much more conscious about their current direct consumption of natural resource. To accomplish this, they are degrading the nature in a way that is creating threats to those species. This phenomenon is also directly or indirectly affecting the ecology of the planet the earth. And those are again directly or indirectly affecting the lives of those species and also the lives of humans (Sodhi, Bradshaw, & Brook, 514). But among all these reasons global warming is a key factor causing the extinction of different species around the whole world. Global Warming and Extinction: Global Warming or the problem of global climate change is the most important reasons for extinction of many of the known species around the whole world. These two reasons are basically interrelated. A recent study suggests that by 2050 almost 37% of well-known plants and animal species will be extinct (Climate Change H eadlines from 2000 to 2009). The human-intervened global warming has caused the first known mammal in 2008. In some of the parts of the world, such as northern Queensland, many of the species cannot survive because the temperature has gone up to 30  °C (Climate Change Headlines from 2000 to 2009). This kind of scenario is also the same in the northern regions and in other southern regions of the world. One of the most fascinating studies reveals that before 2100 there will be complete human extinction. And again the reason is global warming and the world climate change. In that time, the temperature of the world will be 29  °F or 16  °C and in the atmosphere the carbon dioxide levels will reach to a
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Memristor Spice Model For Designing Memristor Circuits Economics Essay
Memristor Spice Model For Designing Memristor Circuits Economics Essay Memristors are novel electronic devices, a device that can be used and give a great advantage in many applications such as memory, logic, neuromorphic systems and so on. A computer model of the memristor would be a useful tool to analysis circuit behavior to help in develops application of this memristor as passive circuit element via simulation. In this paper, we incorporate a memristor SPICE for designing memristor circuit which is more focusing on non-linear model and analog circuits. SPICE model would be appropriate way to describe real device operation. We incorporating the memristor with various window functions that have been proposed in non linear ion drift memristor devices. In investigating and characterizing the physical electronic and behavioral properties of memristor devices, the circuit analysis of the proposed memristor models are then been studied. The simulation output should have a current-voltage hysteresis curve, which looks like bow tie. The loops map the switch ing behavior of the device. Then, we come out with a simple analog circuit which in this case we construct a simple integrator op-amp and differentiator op-amp circuit and make comparison between memristor implemented circuit and normal circuit. The research verifies the proposed memristor model, the possibilities of implementing memristor model and the advantage implementing the memristor in analog circuit. Keywords memristor, SPICE model, non linear, window functions, analog circuit. Introduction Memristor is the contraction of memory resistor which is a passive device that provides a functional relation between charge and flux. It is a two-terminal circuit element in which the flux between the two terminals is a function of the amount of electric charge that has passed through the device [1]. A memristor is said to be charge-controlled if the relation between flux and charge is expressed as a function of electric charge and it is said to be flux-controlled if the relation between flux and charge is expressed as a function of the flux linkage [2]. In 1971, Leon Chua proposed that there should be a fourth fundamental passive circuit element to create a mathematical relationship between electric charge and magnetic flux which he called the memristor which is short for memory resistor [2]. The current is defined as the time derivative of the charge. The voltage is defined as the time derivative of the flux according the faraday law. A resistor is defined by the relationship between voltage and current dv=Rdi, the capacitor is defined by the relationship between charge and voltage dq=Cdv, the inductor is defined by the relationship between flux and current dà †=Ldi. The fourth fundamental circuit element completes the symmetry of the relation between charge and magnetic flux dà †=Mdq. Table 1 show the relationship between the fundamental circuit element. Basic two terminal devices Equation Relationship between fundamental circuit element Resistor,R dv=Rdi v and i Capacitor,C dq=Cdv v and q Inductor,L dà †=Ldi i and à †Memristor,M dà †=Mdq q and à †Table 1: The four fundamental element (resistor, capacitor, inductor and memristor). In 2008, Stanley Williams and his team at Hewlett Packard had succesfully fabricated the first memristor in physical device form which is a long wait from Leon Chua discovery in 1971 [3]. Memristance is a property of memristor. When the charge flows in one direction through a circuit, the resistances of the memristor increase. The resistance decreases when the charge flows in the opposite direction in the circuit. If the applied voltage is turned off, thus stopping the flow of charge and the memristor remembers the last resistance that it had [1]. In HP memristor model, to create a memristor, they used a very thin film of titanium dioxide (TiO2). The thin film is then sandwiched between the two platinum (Pt) contacts. One side of TiO2 is doped with oxygen vacancies denoted as TiO2-x which x is usually 0.05. The oxygen vacancies are positively charged ion and make it conductive, thus it behaves as a semiconductor. Another side of the TiO2 junction is undoped. The undoped region has insulating properties. The device established by HP is shown in Figure 1 [3]. Figure 1: Memristor model adapt from [3]. When a positive voltage is applied, the positively charged oxygen vacancies in the doped TiO2-x layer are repelled and moving them towards to the undoped TiO2 layer. When the boundary between the two materials moves, the percentage of the conducting TiO2-x layer is increase. Thus, the conductivity of the whole device increases. When a negative voltage is applied, the positively charged oxygen vacancies are attracted and pulling them out of TiO2 layer. This increases the amount of insulating TiO2, thus increasing the resistivity of the whole device. When the voltage is turned off, the oxygen vacancies do not move. The boundary between the two titanium dioxide layers is frozen. This is how the memristor remembers the voltage last applied [1]. Methodology Our aim in this research is to provide a simulation program adequately simulates and can be used as a circuit element in design work. To model the electrical characteristics of the memristor, SPICE would be appropriate way to describe real device operation [4]. Moreover, using the model as a sub-circuit can highly guarantee a reasonable high flexibility and scalability features [5]. We use LTSPICE to create a memristor model and design new symbol of the memristor circuit for the simulation because LTSPICE is much easier to handle compared to others. On the other hand, LTSPICE is a freeware and it will give a great advantage to the students in doing research for this newly devices. We use SPICE model that been adapt from [6] and we made some adjustment so we can use it for several window functions that has been proposed for non linear ion drift model. The SPICE model is created based on the mathematical model of the HP Labs memristor. After the memristor has been modeled, we first studied the difference between proposed memristor and then we will start design and implement the memristor with an analog circuit. We also investigate and made a comparison between the memristor circuit with analog circuit to see the difference and study the behavior of the circuits. Model Of The Memristor from HP Labs In the model of a memristor presented here, there is a thin semiconductor film that has two regions, one with a high concentration of dopant that behaves like a low resistance called RON and the other with a low dopant concentration with higher resistance called ROFF [3]. The film is sandwiched between two metal contacts as in figure 1. The total resistance of the memristor, RMEM, is a sum of the resistances of the doped and undoped regions, w is the width of the doped region and D is the total length of the TiO2 layer. ROFF and RON will be the limit values of the memristor resistance for w=0 and w=D. The ratio of the two resistances is usually given as 102 103. (1) (2) From the ohms law relation between the memristor voltages and current, we get (3) Then, we insert (1) into (3). The voltage v(t) across the device will move the boundary between the two regions causing the charged dopants to drift. So, there is a drift ion mobility  µv in the device. The change of the boundary is denoted as in (5). (4) (5) To get x(t), we then integrates the right side of equation (5) which then yields the following formula (6) By inserting equation (6) into equation (4) and since usually RON (7) Where  µv is the average drift velocity and has the units cm2/sV, D is the thickness of titanium-dioxide film ROFF and RON are on-state and off-state resistances and q(t) is the total charge passing through the memristor device. Non Linear Ion Drift Model Even a small voltage across the nanodevices will produce a large electric field [7]. This causing the ion boundary position will move in a decidedly non-linear. Nonlinear dopant drift adds nonlinear window function f(x) to the state equation. The window function decreases as the state variables drift speed approaches the boundaries until it reaches zero when reaching either boundaries [8]. The speeds of the movement of the boundary between the doped and undoped regions are depending on several factors. (8) Where  µv is the dopant mobility. The speed of the boundary between the doped and undoped regions decreases gradually to zero at the film edges [1]. We simulate the nonlinear ion drift memristor model with these window function to see the difference and the issue that been faced by them. Window Function Window function is a function of the state variable. Window function forces the bounds of the device and to add nonlinear behavior close to these bounds. In other words, it creates the boundary for the memristor. Any effective window function should therefore fulfill the following conditions [8]: Take into account the boundary conditions at the top and bottom electrodes of the device; Be capable of imposing nonlinear drift over the entire active core of the device; Provide linkage between the linear and nonlinear dopant drift models; Be scalable, meaning a range of fmax(x) can be obtained such that 0 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ fmax(x) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ 1; Utilize a built-in control parameter for adjusting the model. There are several window functions that have been proposed for non-linear model till date which are by Strukov, Joglekar and, Biolek, and Prodromakis. Strukov proposed the following window function [3]. (9) However, as we can see in the figure 2, this window function lacks of flexibility. Figure 2: Plot of Strukov window function. Another window function was proposed by Joglekar [4], which has a control parameter p which is a positive integer. The purpose of having a control parameter as an exponent is to incorporate scalability and flexibility in window function f(x) that describes the dopant kinetics. (10) Figure 3 displays a graphical representation of the window function described by Joglekar for various p parameter (p=1, 5 and 10). This control parameter controls the linearity of the model, where it becomes more linear as p increases. This window function ensures zero drift at the boundaries. From the plotted graph, we noticed that the maximum f(x) value is occurs at the center of the device and zero is obtained at two boundaries. However, a significant liability of this model lies in the fact that if w hits any of the boundaries (w = 0 or w = D) the state of the device cannot be further adjusted. This will be from now on termed as the terminal state problem. Figure 3: Plot of Joglekar window function for p=1, 5 and 10. Then, Biolek proposed another window function that allows the memristor to come back from the terminal state problem. (11) The reversed bias is now should move back the state variable after it reaches either boundary. This feature is described by a current dependent step function, stp(i), which is a part of a new window function f(x) that behaves differently in each voltage bias direction. (12) Figure 4: Plot of Biolek window function for p=1, 5 and 10. Figure 4 displays a graphical representation of the window function described by Biolek for various p parameter (p=1, 5 and 10). When x starts at 0, we noticed that the function equal to 1. As x increase approaching D, the function approaches 0. Once the current reverse the direction, the function immediately switch to 1. As x decrease back to 0, the function also decreases to 0. Biolek window function eliminates convergence issues at the devices boundaries. The last window function for non-linear model is proposed by Prodromakis [8]. (13) Figure 5 displays a graphical representation of the window function described by Prodromakis for various p parameter (p=1, 5 and 10). As we can see, it allows the window function to scale upwards which implies that fmax(x) can take any value within 0 Figure 5: Plot of Prodromakis window function for p=1, 5 and 10. SPICE Model of Memristor Figure 6: Stucture of the SPICE model from [6]. In the above circuit in figure 6, VMEM is the input voltage and Imem is modeled to be the current through the memristor. The flux is calculated by integrating the voltage VMEM and the charge is calculated by integrating the current IMEM. Figure 7: Resistive port of the memristor model. As we can see in figure 7, the circuit is actually referred to total resistor RMEM. RMEM (x) = ROFF -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R where à ¢Ã‹â€ †R= ROFF-RON. ROFF is the resistor in series voltage source whose terminal voltage is controlled by the formula -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R. Figure 8: Differential equation modeling of the memristor. Figure 8 shows the differential equation modeling of the memrsitor. It consist a part of the voltage controlled source xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R and the differential equation from equation (6) which serves as an integrator of the quantities on the right side of the state equation (6) which is to get the value of normalize x. EMEM is the voltage source whose terminal voltage is controlled according to the formula -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R. GX is a current source whose current is controlled according to the equation IMEMf(V(x)) where V(x) is the voltage across the capacitor Cx and it models the normalized width x of the doped layer. F(V(x)) is the window function, k is  µvRON/D2 and x0 is the initial voltage of the capacitor.[6]. The relation between memristor current and voltage is modeled as on the basis of RMEM (x) = ROFF -xà ¢Ã‹â€ †R where à ¢Ã‹â€ †R= ROFF-RON. The voltage V(x) across the capacitor CX models the normalized width x of the doped layer. The initial state of x is modeled by the initial voltage of the capacitor. The flux is calculated by the time-integral of voltage, and the charge is calculated by the time-integral of current. Result and Discussion All models were simulated in LTSpice using SPICE model that was given in [6], we add new nonlinear window functions that was proposed by prodromakis and strukov to the model and compare all suggested window functions. memristor Figure 9: Memristor circuit. Figure 9 shows configuration of single memristor for measuring the behavior of memristor model in LTSPICE with a sine wave input voltage of 1.2V with 1Hz frequency. The values for the memristor parameters  µv, D, RON, ROFF and RINITIAL are 10-10cm2s-1V-1, 10 nm, 100ohm, 16kohm and 11Kohm. All model are using same window function parameter p=10. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultstrukovstrukov1.png Figure 10: Strukov memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Figure 10 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Strukov window function of voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. As we can see, the current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately 100 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. The RMEM for this model show that the values are in range of 11kOhm till 12kohm which means the effect of the voltage applied to the memristor only give slightly changes on the value of the memristor. Noticed that when positive voltage is applied, the conductivity of the device increases thus the memristance is decrease. When negative voltage is applied, the resistivity of the device increase thus the memristance is also increase. This verifies the memristive system on the device. In normalize x graph, we also noticed that the normalized x is at higher state in the beginning. Figure 11 shows the I-V characteristic of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. The charge and flux curve curves confirms the well known fact that there is a one-to-one correspondence between them in spite of the 1-4 hysteresis effect. Strukov memristor shows lack of flexibility of controlling the device. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultstrukovstrukov4.png Figure 11: Strukov memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultjoglekarjoglekar1.png Figure 12: Joglekar memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Joglekar window function seems to be promising as the existence of controlling parameter. Figure 12 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Joglekar window function of voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Same as strukov memristor, when positive voltage is applied, the conductivity of the device increases thus the memristance is decrease. When negative voltage is applied, the resistivity of the device increase thus the memristance is also increase. The current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately 300 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. Joglekar window function give higher current compared to others. It shows that the current in the memristor are much easier to move. The RMEM are within range of nearly 0ohm to 11kohm which give full range of value for the memristor. Figure 13 show the I-V hysteresis loop of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. The switching behavior is much more sensitive on the voltage level than Strukov w indow function. But, in term of stability, Joglekar window function cannot perform for an arbitrary length of time. This failure is caused by the convergence issue where when the memristor reach w=0 or w=D, the state of the device cannot be further adjusted. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultjoglekarjoglekar4.png Figure 13: Joglekar memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. Biolek window functions are supposed to solve terminal state problem as in literature [4]. It should solve the boundry problem of the terminal state. Figure 14 and 15 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Biolek window function. The current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately 220 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. The RMEM are within range of nearly 1kohm to 11kohm. Figure 15 show the I-V hysteresis loop of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. From the figures, we observe that the biolek memristor preserve the highly non-linear device characteristic behavior. In addition, Bioleks model allows for general asymmetric I-V device behavior modeling. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultbiolekbiolek1.png Figure 14: Biolek memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultbiolekbiolek4.png Figure 15: Biolek memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. Prodromakis window functions are also said to solve the boundry issue. Figure 16 shows the simulation result of memristor SPICE model for Joglekar window function of voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. The current of the memristor, IMEM is varying up to approximately nearly 180 µA for maximum of 1.2V voltage applied. The RMEM are within range of nearly 3kohm to 11kohm. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultprodromakisprodromakis1.png Figure 16: Prodromakis memristor model voltage, IMEM, RMEM and normalized x. Figure 17 show the I-V hysteresis loop of the devices and the relationship between charge and flux. The hysteresis loop is shown to be asymmetrical while the OFF state of the device is highly non-linear compared with other. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultprodromakisprodromakis4.png Figure 17: Prodromakis memristor model I-V loop hysteresis and relationship of charge and flux. In comparing of I-V characteristic hysteresis loop, as we can see in figure 18, it shows all hysteresis loops for all proposed window functions. By using same parameter we can see the difference in each model. Joglekar window function seems to have a strong memristance compared to others.All models seem to be a good approximation of the measurement of the real memristor produces by HP Labs. But, Prodromakis memristor model satisfies all the prerequisites and improves on the shortcomings of existing models. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultall iv loop hysteresisiv hysteresis loop all.png Figure 18: I-V Hysteresis Loop for all models. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultdiff parameterprodromakis p=1, p=5, p=10.png Figure 19: Prodromakis I-V Hysteresis Loop when p=1, p=5 and p=10. Then, we try change the parameter of p of the model. In this case, we use prodromakis memristor model and change the value of integer p=1, p=5 and p=10 to see the difference. As we can see in figure 19, as the value of p is increase, the hysteresis is shrinking. Similar with changing the parameter p, figure 20 also confirm that the hysteresis shrinks at higher frequencies. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultdiff frequency1hz-5hz.png Figure 20: Prodromakis I-V Hysteresis Loop when frequency f=1Hz, f=2Hz and f=5Hz. In term of power dissipation, as we simulates our results. We can get the value of maximum IMEM for each model. We can calculate the power by using P=IV equation. Table 2 show the maximum power dissipation for each memristor. Memristor model Max IMEM,  µA Power, W Strukov 100 µA 120 µW Joglekar 300  µA 360 µW Biolek 220 µA 264 µW Prodromakis 180  µA 216 µW Table 2: IMEM and Power dissipation for all at the memristor. As in table 2, we can see that the Strukov model give lowest power which is 120 µW while Joglekar model give much higher power dissipation which is about 360 µW compared to the others. We also noticed that as the memristor model is improves, the power become lesser. Prodromakis give quite good power dissipation which is 216 µW as the best windows function and model as till now. In implementing memristor with analog circtuit, we pick a two simple analog circuit to be tested. Figure 21 shows the SPICE topology of the memristor based integrator op amplifier with the input voltage Vp-p=2.4V from -1.2V to 1.2V and C1=25 µF. Using the memristor model that we create earlier with various types of window functions, we see the difference on the simulated result on each model. The values for the memristor parameters are same for all model with uv, D, RON, ROFF and RINITIAL are 10-10cm2s-1V-1, 10nm, 100ohm, 16kohm and 11Kohm. memristor integrator op amp Figure 21: Memristor Implemented Integrator Circuit C:UsersFadzDesktopresultintegrator+ve integrator .png Figure 22: Positive Integrator simulation C:UsersFadzDesktopresultintegrator-ve integrator .png Figure 23: Negative Integrator simulation Figure 22 and 23 shows the simulation result for the implemented memristor integrator op amplifier for positive input and negative input respectively. In this case, we implement prodromakis memristor to the integrator circuit. As we know, the integrator acts like a storage element that produces a voltage output which is proportional to the integral of its input voltage with respect to time. The magnitude of the output signal is determined by the length of time a voltage is present at its input as the current through the feedback loop charges or discharges the capacitor as the required negative feedback occurs through the capacitor. For positive starting input, we vary the voltage from 1.2V down to -1.2V and going back to 1.2V over time. When positive voltage are applied in the beginning, the output voltage tend to discharge and drop from 0V to negative voltage and charging back to 0V when the input voltage are drop to negative voltage. The output for neg ative voltage applied from starting point give a vice versa result. The charging and discharge are depends the voltage applied over time and the value of the capacitor. We can say the memristor models give quite good result for an integrator. Figure 24: Memristor Implemented Differentiator Circuit. C:UsersFadzDesktopresultdifferentiatordifferentiator.png Figure 25: Saw tooth input of Memristor implemented differentiator op-amp simulation. Figure 25 shows the simulation result for the implemented memristor differentiator op amplifier. We are using prodromakis memristor model for the memristor implementation. As we know, for differentiator op-amp, the magnitude of its output is determined by the rate at which the voltage is applied to its input changes. The faster the input voltage changes, the greater the output voltage becomes. If a saw tooth input signal is applied to the input of the differentiator op-amp a square wave signal will be produced. As we can see in figure 25, the simulation shows a quite good result for differentiator. We also noticed some spikes at the output voltage. Each spikes occurs only occurs the brief moment the saw tooth is changing from one level to the next. The voltage spikes represent a temporary output voltage. Conclusion As a conclusion to this research is that it could bring a new light of familiarization in the integration of memristive components in any kinds of electronic devices that are at nanoscale. It is useful to have a computer model of the memristor as a tool for the analysis of the behavior of the circuits in developing application of this memristor as passive circuit element via simulation. SPICE model will definitely help us to conduct interesting simulation experiments and can be of great importance for such a research in future while the memristor are still hard to fabricate to study the behavior of the circuit. Different models with strong behavior and reason give a lot of benefits in development purpose to create the possibilities of the implementation in an integrated circuit. The possibilities for implementation of the memristor with analog circuit are wide open. Appendix .SUBCKT memristor plus minus PARAMS: + Ron=100 Roff=16K Rinit=11K D=10N uv=10F p=10 *********************************************** * DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION MODELING * *********************************************** Gx 0 x value={ I(Emem)*uv*Ron/D**2*f(V(x),p)} Cx x 0 1 IC={(Roff-Rinit)/(Roff-Ron)} Raux x 0 1T * RESISTIVE PORT OF THE MEMRISTOR * *********************************************** Emem plus aux value={-I(Emem)*V(x)*(Roff-Ron)} Roff aux minus {Roff} *********************************************** *Flux computation* *********************************************** Eflux flux 0 value={SDT(V(plus,minus))} *********************************************** *Charge computation* *********************************************** Echarge charge 0 value={SDT(I(Emem))} *********************************************** * WINDOW FUNCTIONS * FOR NONLINEAR DRIFT MODELING * *********************************************** *proposed by joglekar ;.func f(x,p)={1-(2*x-1)**(2*p)} *proposed by biolek ;.func f(x,i)={1-(x-stp(-i))**(2*p)} *proposed by prodromakis ;.func f(x,p)={1-(((x-0.5)**2)+0.75)**p} *proposed by strukov .func f(x,p)={x-x*2} .ENDS memristor Acknowledgment This paper participates in the IEEE Student Conference Research Development SCORED 2012. The author would like to thank Dr. Wan Fazlida Hanim bte Abdullah for being supervisor in this final year project. The author also would like to thank Universiti Teknologi MARA for funding the research work through the Excellence Fund Grant 600-RMI/ST/DANA 5/3/RIF(360/2012).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Is anything really being done? :: Essays Papers
Is anything really being done? In April 2001, Timothy Thomas, age 19, was shot and killed by Cincinnati Police Officer, Stephen Roach. Thomas ran from the officer while Roach was trying to arrest him for violations that were brought against him in the past. Timothy Thomas was wanted for 14 various minor misdemeanors for driving without a driver’s license and two of those misdemeanors were for not wearing a seat belt. However, Roach had said that his life was in danger that dark April night, when Thomas ran to the threatening alley, so Officer Roach’s instincts told him to shoot the gun. Riots broke out and â€Å"Mayor Charlie Luken declares a state of emergency†(Goetz). This led to countless arrest among many young citizens of Cincinnati. â€Å"Small groups of vandals roamed several neighborhoods†¦ breaking windows, looting stores and assaulting at least one white motorist who was dragged from her car, police said†(The Associated Press). The Enquirer states, â€Å"Protest er’s overturn planters and hot dog stands†as well (Goetz). This vandalism persisted for three days and it was getting out of hand so there was a â€Å"citywide curfew beginning at 8 p.m†(Goetz). The curfews ended in four nights. Mayor Charlie Luken said, â€Å"We may call in the National Guard to help quell the violent protest†(The Associated Press). Thomas’ mother spoke out in grief; however, she did not want this conflict between the city to continue. Nonetheless, since the April riots, the community has not been the same for Cincinnati. Everything is a race issue, for African Americans, they feel things aren’t going their way. As for Whites, they feel everything is now going the African Americans way. However, Mayor Charlie Luken is creating ideas to get this city back on its feet. Things are being done to help Cincinnati. Since these out breaks have happened in Cincinnati in April, many citizens are scared to go downtown. One woman said, â€Å"One of the most unusual effects of the discord was that it kept on going, seemingly without end†(Enquirer). Another youth says that he was â€Å"effected by all of the riots, curfews, the disruption on the businesses, effects on race relations, and has heard all kinds of reactions†(Kuley).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Summary of Globalization
* Review Gail Wyatt's research on heterosexual's Black women's sexual experience (notes from slides). * According to the article â€Å"Married to the Holy Spirit†and class notes what are some potential consequences for attempting to maintain a faith-based abstinence life style? * What are some of the characteristics of different gender presentations of Black lesbians (e. g. , â€Å"femmes†, â€Å"studs†). * Identify the ways that Black lesbians deal with sexual prejudice in their lives (article: â€Å"It ain't all as bad as it may seem†). * Define â€Å"sexual concurrency. How does it influence male-female relationships and rates of HIV. Black motherhood * According to Chaney, how do Black women define â€Å"womanhood? †* How do parents, peers, healthcare workers, and the media influence Black women's sexual practices and attitudes toward delaying early pregnancy as they pursue their education (Dilworth article). * How has Black women's reproduction been controlled throughout history (Flavin article and notes). * Identify some specific socialization messages that Black women give to their daughters (Thomas article). Community Violence/Homicide Review the statists on community violence and homicide. What are some specific types of homicide? * What community characteristics increase the probability of community violence? * Discuss at least 3 different factors (they could be historical, social, or economic) that make Black women more vulnerable to violence or make it more difficult for them to recover. * Explain Black mothers' cognitive process and ways of finding meaning after the loss of a child to homicide. * What are some ways that Black women coping with community violence in housing projects. Sexual Assault/Intimate Partner Violence * According to a Black feminist perspective, what factors do researchers consider when explaining intimate partner violence (Potter article). * What are some factors that make the recovery process more challenging for Black victims of sexual harassment? * Regarding sexual assault, identify the characteristics of survivors and their assault, risk factors, and physical and mental health consequences. What are some culturally sensitive responses to treating Black survivors?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2 Essay
I shall now evaluate the significance of Act 2 Scene 2. Before this scene we know that Macbeth has already killed King Duncan. We have been introduced to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Furthermore, we have been introduced to the Murder, and guilt in the environment. This scene is essential to the plot because the scene produces and develops the character of Macbeth, and shows a different side of Macbeth after the murder of Duncan. It is essential also because it shows the reaction and effect the murder has put on Lady Macbeth. The two main characters in this scene are Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth. This scene is one of the most significant scenes in this entire play. Owing to the fact that, in this scene Macbeth and Lady Macbeth reveal their equivocating and uncertain emotions and personalities. To be precise, in the beginning of this play Macbeth was a courageous, honourable and loyal soldier. However, he met three witches after a war. The witches sabotaged his mind into believing the fact that he would become the King of Scotland. These predictions the witches made roused Macbeth’s ambition and lead him into murdering King Duncan. In this scene, Macbeth has been mocked by his wife, into killing Duncan. Confused with his conscience and ambition Macbeth commits the sin. This scene shows the changes in Macbeth’s emotions and specifies that he is an enterprising character, who goes through the contrast between his courage and guilt. Act 2 scene 2 shows that Macbeth is in misery. This scene is about Macbeth being questioned by his conscience and about the betrayal that he has committed. An example of Macbeth questioning his conscience would be: â€Å"But wherefore could not I pronounce â€Å"Amen†?†In this quote you can tell that Macbeth is asking himself a question that is connected to him being uncomfortable. Another example of Macbeth’s guilt is: â€Å"Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more!†This quote proves that Macbeth knows that he won’t be able to sleep at night, because his conscience has been questioned. Act 2 scene 2 portrays Lady Macbeth as a cruel and evil character. The fact that she says â€Å"That which hath made them drunk hath made be bold†shows that she doesn’t feel any guilt and that she is still very cruel instead of being worrying about the consequences about the things that she has done. When Lady Macbeth says â€Å"Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there: go carry then; and smear the sleepy grooms with blood†you can tell that she is only afraid about getting caught, but not guilty about what he has done, except she wants to make it seem even worse by smearing the grooms with blood. Shakespeare emphasizes the two character’s personalities by making them completely different from each other. He makes it a balance because he wants the audience to see the irony that he has created in the play because in the future the two characters will swap their personalities. Shakespeare uses the effect of imagery in this play. In this particular scene he uses his strong visual words to create pictures in the audience’s minds. Even though, the death of Duncan isn’t described specifically in this play, the audience will still be able to imagine the terrible scene of murder. When Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"My hands are of your colour; but I shame to wear a heart so white†she implies the effect and image of blood, because when she says colour people will most probably think of blood. Macbeth responds by saying â€Å"This is a sorry sight†it also implies to the audience that it isn’t very good to be seen. Also, when Lady Macbeth says, â€Å"Smear the sleepy grooms with blood†the imagery is very effective because people can picture a room and people smeared with blood. Imagery is very significant because it is the only way that the audience will be able to see the story. If there are no strong visual words then the audience will not be able to see anything, this way it will be harder for the audience to enjoy the story. Hence, Shakespeare uses imagery. Murder and guilt are the two main themes addressed in this scene. In the whole play, Macbeth’s unintelligent behaviour and other flaws in his character caused Macbeth’s failure and ruination. Also, Lady Macbeth’s pressure on him was an important reason of his downfall. This is shown comprehensively in this scene. In this play Shakespeare is trying to show the audience that ambition and passion is good only when it is thought up to a limit, and if people think of right and wrong. However, it could be bad when it becomes so passionate that it shatters one’s honour and pride. In this scene Shakespeare tries to show the audience Macbeth’s wrong decision and the consequence to his spurious ambition. The theme of murder is shown in Lady Macbeth’s dialogues. When she says â€Å"I have drugged their possets†the audience can feel the murder theme, because Lady Macbeth is so keen and excited about Duncan’s death that she would do anything. Also, when she says â€Å"Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had done’t†it also shows that she would have done anything to make Macbeth the king. The theme of guilt is only shown in Macbeth’s dialogues. When Macbeth says â€Å"Sleep no more, Macbeth shall sleep no more†the audience can easily tell that Macbeth is feeling guilty about what he has done. Also, when he says â€Å"This is a sorry sight†people can tell that Macbeth is afraid of what has happened. Also, the audience can tell that Macbeth hasn’t done everything with his own decision. This is very ironic because in this scene Macbeth is the one who is guilty and carries on with the theme of guilt. However, further in the play it’s Lady Macbeth that is guilty and Macbeth carries the theme of Murder instead of Lady Macbeth. The original audience would have responded to this scene with fear and anger towards Lady Macbeth because she plays a very cruel character that is very vicious and nasty and doesn’t care about what has happened. However, the audience would feel sorry for Macbeth and find Macbeth very dumb for doing what he has done. The overall dramatic impact of the scene is a very strong effect of evilness. The most intense aspect of this scene is when Shakespeare shows the difference between cruelty (Lady Macbeth) and guilt (Macbeth) because this is the point where the audience is thinking most about the reaction of characters of the death. This scene is a scene of a climax point where there are a lot of different characteristics added to each character. The scene’s significance to the rest of the play is very strong because it is contrasting to the rest of the play where Lady Macbeth becomes guilty and Macbeth becomes vicious.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
AP Psy Chapter 10 part 2 Essay Example
AP Psy Chapter 10 part 2 Essay Example AP Psy Chapter 10 part 2 Paper AP Psy Chapter 10 part 2 Paper Essay Topic: Poetry Cognitive psychologists are most directly concerned with the study of: thinking Professor Thompsons research activities involve the use of computers to simulate human decision-making strategies. Which specialty area does this research best represent? cognitive psychology A mental grouping of similar objects, events, or people is a(n): concept When we use the term Hispanic to refer to a category of people, we are using this word as a(n): concept To promote cognitive efficiency, concepts are typically organized into: hierarchies A best example of a category of objects, events, or people is called a(n): prototype Prototypes are especially important in the process of: classifying objects. Christmas is to holiday as ________ is to ________. prototype; category When someone mentions Ivy League colleges, Trisha immediately thinks of Harvard University. In this instance, Harvard University is a: prototype Most people take less time to identify a cow as a mammal than a mouse as a mammal because a cow more closely resembles their ________ of a mammal. prototype People more easily detect male prejudice against women than female prejudice against men because the former more closely resembles their ________ of prejudice. prototype In testing thousands of different materials for use as lightbulb filaments, Thomas Edison best illustrated a problem-solving approach known as: trial and error Logical, methodical step by step procedures for solving problems are called: algorithms Darla systematically tried each successive key on her dads key ring until she found the one that unlocked his office door. This best illustrates problem solving by means of: an algorithm. Heuristics are: rule of thumb strategies for solving problems quickly and efficiently. In trying to solve a potentially complicated problem quickly, we are most likely to rely on: heuristics Ruth resisted changing her answer to a test question after reminding herself that its always best to stick with your first answer. Ruths decision best illustrates the use of: a heuristic. A sudden realization of the solution to a problem is called: insight The sudden comprehension of the double meaning of a humorous pun best illustrates: insight. The tendency to search for information consistent with our preconceptions is called: confirmation bias. Fred cites his cousin Millies many car accidents as evidence that women are worse drivers than men. He overlooks the fact that his wife and three daughters have had far fewer car accidents than he and his two sons. Freds prejudicial conclusion about womens driving skills best illustrates the effects of: confirmation bias. Business managers are more likely to track the career achievements of those they once hired than the accomplishments of those they once rejected. This best illustrates: confirmation bias. Myra has such a low level of self-esteem that she is typically on the lookout for critical comments about her appearance and behavior. Myra best illustrates the dangers of: confirmation bias. Brainstorming sessions that encourage people to spontaneously suggest new and unusual solutions to a problem are designed to avoid: fixations Professor Santos talks very loudly in her unsuccessful efforts to get her students to listen carefully. Her failure to recognize that speaking softly would be a more effective way to gain her students attention best illustrates the negative consequences of: fixations A mental set is a: tendency to approach a problem in a way that has been successful in the past. Stress and anxiety are most likely to contribute to: overconfidence The Korean War paratrooper who fell to his death with a left handed parachute apparently suffered the consequences of: a mental set. When given a candle, tacks, and a box of matches and asked to mount the candle on a wall, people often fail to think of using the matchbox as a candleholder. This best illustrates: functional fixedness. Raul and Sophia were having a picnic when it started to rain. They did not think of using their big plastic tablecloth as a temporary rain shelter and so were drenched within minutes. Their oversight best illustrates: functional fixedness. Judging the likelihood that things fall into a certain category on the basis of how well they seem to match a particular prototype refers to the use of the: representativeness heuristic. The tendency to conclude that a person who likes to read poetry is more likely to be a college professor of classics than a construction worker illustrates the use of: the representativeness heuristic. Jerome believes that his 4 year old grandson is a hyperactive child because the boys constant movement resembles Jeromes prototype of hyperactivity. Jeromes thinking best illustrates: the representativeness heuristic. Because Ken is 66, people often mistakenly assume that he must be a member of his colleges basketball team. This mistaken judgment best illustrates the impact of: the representativeness heuristic. The availability heuristic refers to our tendency to: judge the likelihood of an event in terms of how readily instances of its occurrence are remembered. Many people overestimate how long they actually remain awake during restless nights because their moments of wakefulness are easier to recall than their moments of sleep. This best illustrates the impact of: the availability heuristic. The tendency to estimate that the letter k appears more often as the first letter of words than as the third letter best illustrates our use of: the availability heuristic. State lottery officials send residents a facsimile of a contest-winning check for over $5 million so as to encourage them to imagine themselves as possible winners. The lottery promoters are most clearly exploiting the influence of: the availability heuristic. After learning that her two best friends had recently lost their jobs, Julia began to grossly overestimate the national rate of unemployment. Julias reaction best illustrates the consequences of: the availability heuristic. Which of the following contributes most directly to peoples exaggerated perceptions of the likelihood of air travel disasters, nuclear power accidents, and terrorist violence? the availability heuristic The human tendency toward intellectual arrogance is best demonstrated by: overconfidence Although Steve was certain that he answered between 70 and 80 items correctly on his biology test, he actually was right on only 55 items. Steves misjudgment of his test performance illustrates: overconfidence After taking two years of college economics courses, Lionel thinks he knows enough about business to become a millionaire. Lionel should become more aware of: overconfidence In studies where people have judged whether another is lying or telling the truth, participants have demonstrated high levels of: overconfidence College students routinely underestimate how much time it will take them to complete assigned course projects. This best illustrates the impact of: overconfidence Framing refers to: the way in which a problem or issue is phrased or worded. Ojinska sold many more raffle tickets when she told potential buyers they had a 10 percent chance of winning a prize than when she told them they had a 90 percent chance of not winning. This best illustrates: the framing effect. A woman is more likely to abort a pregnancy when informed there is a 50 percent chance of producing an abnormal child than when told there is a 50 percent chance of producing a normal offspring. This best illustrates the significance of: framing Professional pollsters and survey takers are especially likely to be aware of: the framing effect. We often consider illogical conclusions that happen to agree with our personal opinions to be logically valid. This is known as: belief bias. Mr. Potter thinks that all socialists are political liberals and that the governor of his state is a political liberal. Mr. Potters fear of socialism is so strong that he readily accepts the clearly illogical conclusion that his state governor must be a socialist. His difficulty best illustrates: belief bias. Experimental participants reviewed two research studies, one supporting and the other refuting the crime-deterring effectiveness of capital punishment. Afterwards, the opinions of those who initially favored the use of capital punishment became ________ favorable toward its use. The opinions of those who initially opposed the use of capital punishment became ________ favorable toward its use. more; less Anderson, Lepper, and Ross gave experimental participants evidence that either risk prone or cautious people make better fire fighters. Participants were later informed that the evidence was fictitious. This experiment was designed to illustrate: the belief perseverance phenomenon. Despite overwhelming and highly publicized evidence that Senator McEwan was guilty of serious political corruption and misconduct, many who had supported her in past elections remained convinced of her political integrity. Their reaction best illustrates: the belief perseverance phenomenon. Encouraging people to explain why their own personal views on an issue are correct is most likely to promote: the belief perseverance phenomenon. The difficulty involved in efforts to modify an unrealistically negative self-image best illustrates: the belief perseverance phenomenon. A computer program that employs heuristics to correctly solve a crossword puzzle illustrates an application of: artificial intelligence. Unlike conventional computers, people are capable of: processing numerous informational units simultaneously. The most exciting feature of computer neural networks is their capacity to mimic the human ability to: learn from experience. Phonemes are: the smallest distinctive sound units of a language. When Fred pronounced the words this and that, he noticed that they share a common: phoneme The English language has ________ letters than phonemes, and the consonant phonemes generally carry ________ information than the vowel phonemes. fewer; more The smallest speech units that carry meaning are called: morphemes In the words lightly, neatly, and shortly, the ly ending is a(n): morpheme When her teacher mentioned the arms race, Krista understood that the word arms referred to weapons and not to body parts. Kristas correct interpretation best illustrates the importance of: semantics Syntax refers to the: orderly arrangement of words into grammatically sensible sentences. A European visitor to the United States asked a taxi driver, Can you please a ride to the airport me give? This visitor has apparently not yet mastered the ________ of the English language. syntax Word meaning is to word order as ________ is to ________. semantics; syntax The spontaneous utterance of a variety of sounds by infants is called: babbling During the earliest stage of speech development, infants: make some speech sounds that do not occur in their parents native language. At 17 months of age, Julie says wada whenever she wants a drink of water. Julie is most likely in the ________ stage of language development. At 17 months of age, Julie says wada whenever she wants a drink of water. Julie is most likely in the ________ stage of language development. Two year old Stephens sentences- Dad come, Mom laugh, and Truck gone- are examples of: telegraphic speech. Children begin to demonstrate appropriate use of syntax during the ________ stage. two word Behaviorists such as B. F. Skinner have emphasized that the acquisition of language can be explained in terms of: the association of word sounds with various objects, events, actions, and qualities. b. childrens imitation of the words and grammar modeled by parents and others. c. the positive reinforcement that adults give children for speaking correctly. Which linguistic theorist was most impressed by the underlying similarities of all human language systems? Chomsky According to Chomsky, the fact that young children overgeneralize certain rules of grammatical structure suggests that: language skills are not developed simply through the processes of imitation and reinforcement. Four year old Sarah told her mom, The doggy runned away. Which theory would most likely emphasize the significance of Sarahs misapplication of a grammatical rule? Chomskys language acquisition theory After two minutes of exposure to an unbroken, monotone string of nonsense syllables, infants could recognize three-syllable sequences that appeared repeatedly. This best illustrates the importance of ________ in language development. statistical learning The statistical learning explanation of language development ________ claims for an inborn universal grammar and ________ claims for a built-in readiness to learn grammatical rules. challenges; supports Research suggests that humans can most easily master the grammar of a second language during: childhood The principles of learning emphasized by behaviorists would be most helpful in explaining why children: add new words to their vocabulary. The suggestion that language determines the way we think is known as the ________ hypothesis. linguistic relativity The linguistic relativity hypothesis is most consistent with the suggestion that words are the ________ of ideas. mothers Which of the following would most likely be cited as evidence in support of the linguistic relativity hypothesis? Which of the following would most likely be cited as evidence in support of the linguistic relativity hypothesis? Lelands language does not distinguish between family love and romantic love, so he has difficulty realizing that he deeply loves his sister. Which of the following is most relevant to Lelands difficulty? the linguistic relativity hypothesis When English-speaking Canadian children were taught by a French-speaking teacher during their early school years, researchers found that they experienced a(n): improvement in intellectual aptitude. Many successful athletes prepare for contests by imagining themselves performing their events. This mental rehearsal best illustrates the effectiveness of: thinking without language. The chimpanzee Sultan used a short stick to retrieve a long stick, then used the long stick to retrieve a piece of fruit. Sultans successful acquisition of the fruit was said to be the result of: insight Psychologists are most likely to question whether chimps have the capacity to: infer another chimps mental states. Karl von Frisch discovered that ________ communicate by means of an intricate dance. honeybees Chimpanzees are capable of learning to: understand spoken words. b. string signs together into a meaningful sequence. c. use computer keyboards to communicate with other chimps. Research on the language capabilities of apes indicates that they cannot: grammatically order language symbols as well as most 3 year old children.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Colonization of Egypt essays
Colonization of Egypt essays What is a good country? Is a good country a country with a cheerful population? Is a good country a country which controls more land than the next? Is a good country a country whose government and economic system has absolutely no problems? Or is a good country a country that has a delicate balance of benefits and problems. Well, we are here today to discuss the corruption of Egypt, a good country, by Britain, a huge and powerful country. Although Britain was not the first, Britain has retained control of Egypt for nearly 40 years and I am here today to ask for the freedom and decolonization of Egypt from Britain. This problem all started in 1882 when the British forced Napoleon Bonaparte, the leader of the French Army, out of Africa. Instead of leaving the land of Egypt to its rightful owners, the Egyptians, Britain decided to colonize Egypt and control them through a protectorate. The protectorate allowed the British government to control Egypts economic and political decisions without intervention from the Egyptians. In other words, The Egyptians had completely lost control of their own country. Well, some of you might ask, Why would Britain want to keep Egypt? The response to this is more simple than you might think. Was it the fact that Egypt was such a weak country at the time? Or was it that Egypt was just waiting to be colonized? No, it was greed, pure British greed, that caused the corruption of Egypts balanced culture. The economic situation of Egypt before its colonization was quite good. The working and owning class maintained the industrial aspect while the upper class maintained the government and political prospect. Through the colonization of Egypt, Britain gained control of the Suez Canal, a major part of the world trade routes. With this advantage, Britain decided to heavily tax the ships which passed through. This brought mass amounts of money of which the Egyptians never saw. Instead of ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A View of Crisis Intervention for Psychotherapy - myassignmenthelp
Social work practice deals with helping people obtain visible services in terms of either counselling and psychotherapy with people and groups, it aims at helping them improve their social being and also their health services. For this to be carried out it requires knowledge of the human behaviour on how he she carry out the social and cultural well-being of institutions. it can also be referred to as a helping profession as its main aim is to boost a societies faults into good tidings especially in the regions where a problem is rampant Thyer (2010). There is also the aspect of Management which comes from the word manage which means to forecast and to plan, to show authority over while coordinating and controlling how things are to be done and handled Thyer (2010). Theoretically, it involves knowing how to be able to control this basic point so as to contribute to the success of an enterprise, the basics are identifying the rules, procedures, objective and mission. Management is normally handled by those in the lead of the chain in the hierarchy in the aspect of directors and managers who have the clearance to make decisions that critically carry the stability of the company. Sizes of management vary depending on the type of business as the size matters so as to be able to put it in check Sandhu, (2010). The issue being investigated here is crisis intervention which is in a way of ensuring that a person has the proper mental tools in place and also physically so as to be able to use problems as therapeutic leverage for good positive outcomes and also the management of clients. Its priority is increasing stabilisation, it normally occurs without being prepared for in other terms at the spur of the moment type of way and happens in all types of settings, by so it can cause trauma. Crisis intervention aims at offering a helpful hand to the people who are given care due to having abnormal amounts of stress which render a person unfit even to work, it tries to stop the downward spiral that a worker may be experiencing and at least return them to their pre-crisis functioning. It occurs in societal levels and personal thus it’s a big problem that is seen around but proper ways of dealing with it are not avidly followed up Wainrib (2008). Trauma is the process whereby a person or society experiences a given occurrence that changes their outlook on things in so that they get demoralised and lose their self-esteem and social support. It is normally captured when you see a person making threats to kill themselves, witnessing homicide or losing their belongings in terms of things that they hold really dear to themselves and cannot see themselves carrying out a task without the thing they have lost. Some of the instances that require intervention range from school shootings, natural calamities and the terrorist attacks. This type of crisis is handled by the counsellors as their basic concern is assessing the individual’s awareness of resources, as a person’s first reactions are being in denial and in shock. The crisis intervention has 6 stages that are used to help individuals and societies to regain a sense of control and restore them to their basic selves. The first stage is defining the problem, this is where the issue at hand is put in front and checked into so as to know what the problem is. By this, it helps create a bond between yourself and the person who experienced the this stage, the aspect of being an active listener helps a lot as it Is what is used to be able to give a direct answer to what happened and why. The second stage is keeping the client safe, this is in regards to safety precautions given where the client is checked whether he she is on verge of committing suicide or homicide. So, by the aspect of keeping the client safe, they ought to remove the client's access to equipment that they may use to hurt or hurt others with, in so saying cutting of means to suicide Wainrib (2008). Step three falls on giving support whereby when the problem at hand has been handled and also clearly defined the crisis worker should take in the client warmly and accommodate them. This is done so that they know they are loved and cared for as the crisis personnel can even chip in on the cost of basic needs for them in order to help them recuperate appropriately, and also ensuring they understand and know that there are open options of ways they can get assistance to be well Thyer (2010). The fourth option is examining alternatives which entail the client being able to further looking into what they have and looking into what options they have to deal with the problem at hand.  A crisis worker comes in at the point where he she finds a client’s coping skills with the encountered problem is becoming difficult and they are not being able to control the situations that come into play. Thus, on examining alternatives it tries to help this type of people by having three categories of potential options being, situational supports who are people who work or live with the affected person and personnel who care about what actually happens to them. There are the coping mechanisms are the resources that a client can use to get through a tough change as it helps them partake in things they love doing so as to keep their minds very positive and to ensure they are able to recover smoothly and explore what they used to do in the past, present and future. The third aspe ct is having positive and constructive thinking patterns which imply having diverse ways of thinking that can be used to help the clients re-invent themselves. The fifth step is making plans this occurs after the clients have trusted the crisis worker the main step of this is to try to ensure the client regains control of their life and can help provide the client with additional support. The plans put in place ought to be realistic and must ensure it gives the clients a feeling of optimism when working forward to achieve the goals set. It aims at discontinuing the pattern of oppressing clients as it will lead to poor things. The final step of this process is getting a commitment. This is where the client and their supervisor make a schedule where the client keeps tabs on what he does and occasionally meet up with the crisis worker to ensure they are going on the right path. The social work in this is clearly seen when the crisis workers are introduced to kerb a growing problem and are used to trim down the effects of the encountered task. The theoretical paradigm in regards to the crisis intervention it states that its important for the people to take care of the situations arising in order to be able to tackle the rest that follows. It is of dire importance for the social workers to be highly skilled so as to be able to help people in crisis. They also help individuals in decreasing their emotions of helplessness and isolation and uses social resources in making the clients regain back their normal self. Such methods that are undertaken are done through acceptance, validation, reassurance, education and brokering resources. The way of crisis intervention works with the notion of having emotional and confidentiality stability with one’s client in order to give services in a top-notch way Denicolo (2012). There are acute stress and trauma management protocols that are put in stages they include, assessing for danger in terms for safety for self and also other allies, this is for the victim and counsellor who might have been affected by the trauma. After that, they should consider the mechanism of injury in regards to physical or perceptual. When injury has been looked at the victim’s responsiveness should be gauged, this comes into place as when medical needs are needed Crisis intervention relevance in the topic social work whereby social work is described in the beginning of this research says that it deals with helping people obtain visible services in terms of either counselling or psychotherapy with people and groups, it aims at helping them improve their social being and also their health services. For this to be carried out it requires knowledge of the human behaviour on how he she carry out the social and cultural well-being of institutions. it can also be referred to as a helping profession as its main aim is to boost a societies faults into good tidings especially in the regions where a problem is rampant. Social work practice is relevant in crisis intervention as people have considerable capacitates for handling the problematic situations faced. Stressful events do not cause crises they are actually determined by the feedback due to specific stressful circumstances. The aspect of social work in terms of crisis intervention can also be seen in the structure of Rakuten groups organisations as it starts off with the board of directors these are the people who govern and manage the company and make important decisions like appointing the CEO. They oversee the company’s growth and businesses while assessing better roads to partake. The group headquarters follows suite as that’s the main area where the company’s major operations lay it fosters the branches of the company and ensures they operate accordingly Denicolo (2012). After that, the company division falls after that followed by the finance and accounting division where all finances or matters dealing with finance are handled here it’s a department solely majoring on that so as to majorly look for ways to improve n to monitor money usage. There’s then the technology division that does the information technology duality and tries to keep the company updated on software’s to use and to help the company keep up with demanding technology and how to fuse it into their system. The operation and marketing division deals with how the day to day activities are being run and also chips in by marketing and selling the company’s products to consumers to broaden the company’s horizon. The HR administration deals with firing and hiring of people in the organisation it helps run the company’s need for people to work gets the people and trains them on how to work with and in the organisation. This structure is made in a way that it helps the company build its brand and make it be as stable and conducive producing the top-notch products and services giving it it’s all in the various departments so as it’s an equal status on work Lincoln & Gerlach, (2010). In regards to its culture, it has a unique corporate culture as it brings about the spirit of entrepreneurship and a sense of unity. The design of the company’s workplaces sustains and makes the diversity more appealing. The culture is followed strictly as it’s what they are used to and what helps them be better and stand out from the rest. In their culture, they have the Asakai -morning meetings where all employees attend and is held once per week where the head Mr Hiroshi Mikitani covers his views on what he wants to see being taken underplay and also updates from the various personal businesses within the Rakuten group. This Asakai is vital as the employees are able to share their thoughts and difficulties with the head management so as to see if the solution can be found. It I really vital as it is done the beginning of every week so as to kick start the week with momentum. The Asakai is held in high regards as it helps focus everyone’s mind on the things being brought up while being discussed Wischenbart, (2012). The weekly desk cleaning culture, this has been the trait since the founding of the company right up to the CEO whereby every employee is mandated to clean their desk area once a week this was started so as the employees mind would be free to think and know that they are all connected to the company in their own different aspects. This tightens the bond as the whole company at that moment showcases unity as one team which directly shows in what it gives it in service is top notched. Asakai structural design this is quite unique aspect of culture as the building is set up in a way that the podium is easily visible from every direction and the audio is made to be of high-quality to allow proper video conferencing to feel very good so as every person to feel as though they are attending a said meeting Bartol & Martin (2014). Another angle in their culture that helps them stand out is they present what matters which keeps the people up to date with activities that are in the public eye. There is also the lively questions and answers that are usually in the morning meetings that makes it a hardbound character which is hard to break apart as it largely falls on policies set and given and is executed with sharp minds. Commending outstanding employees this helps in making the company have competitive workers in the organisation and by commending them helps to uplift their spirits that what they are doing is worthwhile and the company does appreciate their efforts Wis Chen Bart, (2012). Workspace is a comfortable and working environment that allows proper active communication whereby space is good enough and there are no apparent distractions that can thwart one’s concentration levels, as a good working environment means a happy client and happy worker. Has a cafeteria that offers all meals free of charge to encourage positive growth and also to give the workers proper breaks during their working hours to stretch eat and be health and be okay while working there offering a subtle environment. The innovative culture leads to success this is clearly seen as the company is able to add up new techniques to make the employees be able to operate and execute smoothly their work without many problems. Technology is highly regarded as the most upcoming and blooming venture where if many things are up to date the flow of information and processing increases drastically giving it a competitive edge. The leadership of the Rakuten group is by Hiroshi Mikitani who founded the group and is the chief executive. He is a hands-on leader who carries out his duties diligently and is humble in his tidings as he avails himself in all meetings and weekly talks to his employees and allows them to ask questions and ideas to improve the company and also their working space. Through this type of leadership of being able to participate in the working of the company build a united team as the workers get encouraged by such Denicolo (2012). Transformation leadership is where the boss works hand in hand with subordinates to note needed things to change n make a good visionary move of where to be. This brings up success in an organisation where it’s the accomplishment of a target one has put for themselves and works hand in hand to achieve the said targets put up. All these try to show how crisis intervention is tried to be reached by incorporating actions where the business growth and leadership skills help garner proper ways to deal with problems encountered when in face to face with troubles. It tries to show how social work is beneficial and how it gives options and ways to work hand in hand with the personnel who get affected by either catastrophe’s that would occur and damage clients in an organisation. CSR acts as a self-regulation which gets incorporated in a business idea.  It has an aspect called Information management which deals with running an organisations information resources so as to be able to help improve the performance of the business. It focuses on the activities that are needed to control a company’s records as the personnel are referred to as important but not critical resources. It uses information technology resources and also by virtue of overseeing information resources. Knowledge management is the process of creating, acquiring, sharing and using the information acquired in order to allow learning in organisations. It carries people as a critical component to being supervised, as it is strategized to help improve the businesses performance and also add value to an organisation through a set key of processes which involve knowledge sharing Malloch (2013). All these aspects of management fall under the CSR as they help integrate the protocols broug ht in hand to be accustomed and placed in the working system of an organization. I agree that the CSR is really important to an organization as it benefits both the society and the organist ion as both of them end in gaining from the ongoing aspect which is advantageous. It brings about positive competition and those which have good potential of making the environment better and safer for normal workings. Some of the advantage of CSR are improves the overall outlook of an organization this acts as a plus as an organization may get a good will value just for having incorporated the responsibility point as it shows commitment of good tidings. Another point is that it increases the keeping of employees and indirectly acts as a marketing tool whereby it attracts more clients as it is seen to encompass the worth to respect the social responsibilities quota Denicolo (2012) When regulatory authorities know that an organization follows the rules that set-in place they behave very well. This in turn acts as an added advantage to an organization as it does not get roughed up and rudely interrupted to show whether it follows the said rules by this it gives the company a fast-paced reference which it optimizes and allows it to be better Contreras (2010). As the organization grows and expand s more it branches in more diverse ways allowing the organization to explore more alternatives on the environment and try see whether more output can be handed out in an easy understandable way. The aspect of good image brings in investors who are attracted to an organization as they see it follows orders and that it adds up new tactic to be better and also help out in community duties. This factor facilitates the image uplift and also can make the government want to do investments with the organization as they also would want to be associated with organizations that are friendly and following the rules concerning the environment. The making of renewable energy from the worlds own ground in terms of the environment this acts as a big change in the organization and it impacts it itself by virtue of adhering to the protocols put in place to follow the given guidelines without fail and to honor their green code. By virtue of having a resound mind the organization is able to explore more wid range ideas like the aspect of investing in renewable energy sources where it can largely benefit as it has carried out research on what to do and when to do it Contreras (2010). Setbacks that are encountered in terms of when having to implement the social responsibility plan is that there happens to be movements moving on the profits margin to the set targets of the organization. By this there is the policy of the unknown which states that a company’s first calling is to make profits not having investments thus due to this it alters the outflow of money and cuts down the rates of profits Norris (2012). When a company is planning to disclose its shortcoming it momentarily suspends itself in a position where it may take a hit that may create an unplanned for catastrophe in terms of destabilizing an organization planning relations. Proper carrying out of implementation lays out advantages that foster boosted markets and capital. It transcends the act of ethics as the organization is able to walk with its head held high as it fully shows how it has matured and diversified thus helping the social responsibilities act by ensuring the environment is safe guarded and protected. In an organization are able to see the usefulness of waste materials and are encouraged to recycle them back so as they can be fully utilized with insight to others do not disintegrate thus reuse is a good fit for the organization Hopkins (2007). The relevance of human rights is seen in organizations due to the drastic growth in market structure. It is deemed that they act as the pillars that upraise the standards of an organization growing and facilitate the transformation from a small business into a corporation, this is so as the grown organizations tend to carry the weight of being socially responsible to what occurs in order to be able to influence potential investors and consumers. An outstanding aspect of the crisis prevention is the way in which it carries itself full of dominance in angle of acting in a responsible way and also sustainability wise. These two are so as it encourages the reduction in workload with the local authorities and also pinpoints new opportunities presenting themselves in front of the budding plan. Companies are encouraged to incorporate the CSR into their systems as it has more of profits than limitations thereby giving a company a competitive edge over its competitor’s due to having a good ear in following up in the intervention series learning in an organization. The benefits of social work are majorly not in terms of financially or material wise. its satisfaction is trying to get the world working much better as they are driven by the notion of having a great desire to help people. Crisis intervention aims at offering a helpful hand to the people who are given care due to having abnormal amounts of stress which render a person unfit even to work, it tries to stop the downward spiral that a worker may be experiencing and at least return them to their pre-crisis functioning. It occurs in societal levels and personal thus it’s a big problem that is seen around but proper ways of dealing with it are not avidly followed up Wainrib (2008). On the benefits both the client and the worker receive an ongoing feedback as they continue succeeding in the pursuit of resuming stability. In some scenarios plans can be changed in advance depending on the outcomes that occur. Also in other perspectives, timely corrective feedback helps in catching and rectifying harmful unintended effects at a very early point, in situations where there needs to be done a careful review the practice is sort of given a guesswork type of frame on it. The practice deals with helping people obtain visible services in terms of either counselling and psychotherapy with people and groups, it aims at helping them improve their social being and also their health services. Offredy & Vickers, (2013). Developing a Healthcare Research Proposal: an Interactive Student Guide. Hoboken, Wiley. Denscombe, (2012). Research proposals: a practical guide. Maidenhead, Open University Press. Punch, (2016). Developing Effective Research Proposals. London, SAGE Publications. Denicolo & Becker, (2012). Developing research proposals. Ogden & Goldberg, (2012). Research proposals: a guide to success. San Diego, Calif, Academic Press. France, (2014). Crisis intervention: a handbook of immediate person-to-person help Aguilera, (2008). Crisis intervention: theory and methodology. St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby. Jacobson, (2011). Crisis intervention in the 1980s. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass. Wainrib & Bloch, (2008). Crisis intervention and trauma response: theory and practice. New York, Springer. Brayne & Carr, (2012). Law for social workers. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Thyer, (2010). Cultural diversity and social work practice. Springfield, Charles C Thomas Publisher.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Paper on a graphic designer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Paper on a graphic designer - Essay Example He went to Toyko University of the Arts with the objective of turning into an artist yet wound up majoring in Nihonga (the "conventional" style of Japanese painting that consolidates customary Japanese masterful traditions, methods and subjects) he got a Ph.D. in Nihonga yet got to be unbiased with the profoundly political impacts. Murakami started to investigate contemporary imaginative styles, methodologies, and media. Takashi accepted Japans contemporary workmanship was "a profound assignment of Western patterns" and he was really miserable with the condition of craftsmanship in Japan. The majority of his initial work was done in the soul of social feedback and parody1. Takashi Murakami is a creator of own authentic style that shaped the contemporary art and is seen widely through the acknowledged brands. In 1990s art was varied and eclectic. Takashi Murakami’s contribution was a worthy and bright part of it. He managed to bridge anime, fine art, graphic design, pop culture and fashion2. Takashi Murakami was dissatisfied with the current state of contemporary art so he decided to change it. In the course of the most recent 20 years the Japanese craftsman Takashi Murakami has accomplished religion status. The works of art that first put him on the social guide in the 90s were portrayals of lively, verging on showy, toon like characters vigorously affected by Japanese anime and manga. His work, running from sexual to cutesy, just indicates his traditional preparing in Nihonga, an old and customary style of Japanese painting. Murakamis quality isnt simply making workmanship that speaks to Japans Otaku sub-society (male devotees of sci-fi, anime, manga, and feature recreations), it is his reception of a craftsmanship meets-trade ethos. Murakamis marketing business KaiKai Kiki join s his craft into shopper products. His most popular coordinated effort is a constrained release line of cowhide totes for
Should animals be used in Sports and entertainment Research Paper
Should animals be used in Sports and entertainment - Research Paper Example The side in favor of using animals for sports and entertainment present their views that involvement of animals in activities of sports and entertainment is a normal practice and it has been used for centuries in cultural activities. There are a number of cultural events in Spain and South America which use bulls who end up either running on the roads and striking whoever comes in their way, or trying to hit the waving cloth. These activities do not cause harm to the participating animals in any way and therefore there is nothing unethical about this. (Debatepedia) On the other side, the opposing side argues that such cultural activities are what promote the use of animals in a brutal way. They argue that humans tend to go a step further and involve the animals in a cruel game or way. According to them, if the use of animals in simple sports and entertainment is banned, then the brutal games will be finished itself. The side against the involvement of animals for means of sports and entertainment also argues that animals should also not be used for showing skills and displaying their trained nature to the public. Such activities are performed in the circus where the wild animals are trained to behave in an unnatural way of publicly accepted attitude by the force of a whip (RSPCA Victoria). Also they see the elephant rides as unethical as this means that the commercial purpose promoters are using the animals as a means to an end and not as an end themselves. This is according to the categorical imperative introduced by Immanuel Kant (Kant). In this context, it can be related to the fact that the animals are used for commercial purposes and not taken care of because they are animals. In response to this, the side in favor of utilization of animals for entertainment and sports present their views that the circus is where the public, particularly children, experience these animals. When the general public watches and experiences these animals, only then they fall in love with these animals. They argue that one can only love an object or living being if he or she watches and experiences it. When these people see these animals in circus or in zoo, they fall in love with them and then they take care of them. Therefore, usually circus and zoo turns out to be the first step of taking care of the animals on the part of general public and eventually falling in love with them. Most people do not go on safari rides or jungles to see the wildlife and therefore their only chance of watching these animals is in zoo or circus. Therefore, it is also fair to the humans to experience the gifts of nature in the shape of animals, and also there is nothing wrong in doing this. Humans who like to play and enjoy usually tend to feel good when they are involved in sporting activities. When a person who loves to play football play well end up in a good mood when it plays football. Also jolly people who like to enjoy feel happy when they are involved in an act of entertainment as this makes them and others laugh and enjoy. Similar to people are animals who also feel happy when they play and provide entertainment. Most of the animals have playful personalities and
Tivo - Case Writeup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Tivo - Case Writeup - Essay Example Before the launch of TiVo, television viewing was more of a passive activity, with top programs vying for the prime time slot, season premieres drawing in huge audiences and advertisers trying to gain advantage of such high viewership by grabbing prime time space. The presence of a large TV viewing audience, the habits of audiences, popularity of television as an integral part of entertainment as evident from the data showing trends in purchase of TV, and the added ease of watching one’s favorite shows, in itself presented the required business opportunity to launch the new concept in the market. During the initial execution phase of the product, several factors were observed that played a major role in assessing various elements of its business model. The product’s price was estimated to be quite high which was apparently more expensive than most TV sets. Besides, lack of awareness proved to be a setback in reaching the target markets which made marketing and sale of t he product even more challenging since unlike other products in that category, TiVo required extensive explanations for its various features. Moreover, the advertisers showed concern over one of its features that allowed the viewers to forward advertisements. These factors guided the company to frame better policies and terms that would be beneficial to both the parties concerned. TiVo had a huge subscriber base comprising of 42000 subscribers, just fourteen months after its launch, with a strong and impressive current rate of 14,000 new subscribers per quarter. It had strategic partnerships with superstar brands – Sony and Phillips and subsidized them to manufacture, distribute and promote the black box to the retailers. Apart from the revenues from advertisers and subscribers, the other major source of revenue was through the sale of hardware. In order to penetrate the 102 million TV viewing households market in the U.S.,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Bamboozled and Jungle Fever Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bamboozled and Jungle Fever - Movie Review Example It features Mantan, the tap dancer, and the rest of black people with odd activities that are being aired on TV. To Delacroix horror, the show became hugely successful, and his boss even praises the show and grants him a prominent status. The movie shows the disadvantages of being black in the media industry. They are challenged by their superiors, mostly white people, to bring out their best in their profession. They have to produce something that deserves their profession otherwise they much pressured. The theme of this movie is about the status of black people in the media, among other industries. Black people can only have two places according to the movie, either on the top position, or the one as a figure of ridicule as sort of entertainment. Professionalism issue was also tackled in this movie. True to the circumstances of the blacks, the upcoming minority struggling to better his circumstances, is shown as not knowing very well what to do when opportunities come to better oneself. Perhaps society has to answer for this one, for the many years of discriminating colored people. Racism is a myth of believing that a certain race is superior to the others and that the development of personality is based on the geographical root and shaped by its culture (Anti-Defamation League, 2001). Just to prove that stereotyping is wrong, black people today have to prove to be very talented in many aspects. They can even excel and surpass the skills of the white Caucasians, if not making it equal to them. Bamboozled seems to want to teach the world about the shameful history of the minstrel shows and begs for educated eyes to look at things differently now. It is a seeming response to race films that have as target audience the primarily poor southern blacks and southerners who had migrated northward. These race films, especially those produced by white studios, attempted to impart middle-class urban values, especially education and industriousness. Common themes in race films included the "improvement" of the black race, the supposed tension between educated and uneducated blacks, and the tragic consequences in store for blacks who resisted white-man values. All in all, they attempt to say that the black race is inferior to the white race and therefore has to improve. The author wants to convey the message that media is wrong for depicting that blacks are always to be subjects of laughter and scorn, or that they are permanently to be inferior in the pecking order of importance. These race films do not do good to society, except re-enforce stereotyping beliefs and make the black-white demarcations all the more stronger. In the United States, race and color discrimination is supposedly unlawful as defined by The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (USEEOC). The commission says that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects individuals against employment discrimination on the basis of race and color as well as national origin, sex, or religion. In practice, however, race and color discrimination still exists in many forms in the United States just like in the limited ways people of color have been portrayed and depicted in American media. Segregation and classification of employees is also prohibited. And yet, in media as in other industries in society, inferior positions as in the ugly, the
Various Ethical Considerations in Education Essay
Various Ethical Considerations in Education - Essay Example There are certainly ethical issues that education stakeholders need to keep in mind and ponder over time so that they will be able to assess the impact of education on the society. Ethical issues in education encompass issues like teacher evaluation, value education, sex education and random drug tests. This paper analyses various ethical considerations in education, and how these considerations are important to the success of education. Education is an ongoing process in our lives. As we grow older, we receive new education and we keep passing the education that we have to others. Ethical considerations are expected to streamline the operation and success of education in people’s lives. These considerations are also aimed at regulating the distribution and exchange of education. These ethical considerations apply to both the receivers and givers of education, education institutes, management bodies, parents or even guardians of students. In many instances, educators and other stakeholders in education will be faced with decisions that are normally not in tandem with the organization’s policies and values. This is referred to as an ethical dilemma, and in these circumstances, one would be forced to make a decision that does not contravene the values of the organization. There are many ethical issues in education, and in all these issues, educators ought to be guided by appropriate and noteworthy decision-making strategies. The educator needs to evaluate various issues affecting an organization, and from this, he may be able to address all challenges facing the organization. The first step in addressing ethical issues in education is an acknowledgment of ethical issues and dilemmas. After this, the nature of the conflict needs to be clarified by the educators. Then, educators need to identify the involved processes in the conflict.Â
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tivo - Case Writeup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Tivo - Case Writeup - Essay Example Before the launch of TiVo, television viewing was more of a passive activity, with top programs vying for the prime time slot, season premieres drawing in huge audiences and advertisers trying to gain advantage of such high viewership by grabbing prime time space. The presence of a large TV viewing audience, the habits of audiences, popularity of television as an integral part of entertainment as evident from the data showing trends in purchase of TV, and the added ease of watching one’s favorite shows, in itself presented the required business opportunity to launch the new concept in the market. During the initial execution phase of the product, several factors were observed that played a major role in assessing various elements of its business model. The product’s price was estimated to be quite high which was apparently more expensive than most TV sets. Besides, lack of awareness proved to be a setback in reaching the target markets which made marketing and sale of t he product even more challenging since unlike other products in that category, TiVo required extensive explanations for its various features. Moreover, the advertisers showed concern over one of its features that allowed the viewers to forward advertisements. These factors guided the company to frame better policies and terms that would be beneficial to both the parties concerned. TiVo had a huge subscriber base comprising of 42000 subscribers, just fourteen months after its launch, with a strong and impressive current rate of 14,000 new subscribers per quarter. It had strategic partnerships with superstar brands – Sony and Phillips and subsidized them to manufacture, distribute and promote the black box to the retailers. Apart from the revenues from advertisers and subscribers, the other major source of revenue was through the sale of hardware. In order to penetrate the 102 million TV viewing households market in the U.S.,
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